part 2

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„Come on, we don’t have all day, Lucy!” I took my backpack and ran outside.

„I know, I know!” 

Ruby giggles. „Sleepyhead.” We jump on our bikes and cycling as fast as we can. out of breath, we storm into the classroom. The bell rang when we settled down. I looked around and found no teacher.

„Where is the teacher?” I asked the kid behind me. „How should I know?” I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to the front.

„Oh well, less lesson.” Like on cue a man walked in, probably the new teacher. He ignored the fact that the class was very noisy. When he was at the front of the class, he began to unload his bag. Then he took a few heavy books and let them fall upon the desk. The class went silent as the dead in less than a second. Me and my friend just sat there shocked because it was the man from the day before. He walked to the middle of the class and started to introduce himself as mister Martin. Halfway his introduction, he noticed us and starts to grin. I felt Ruby sink away in her chair next to me. Somewhere in myself I started to laugh but on the other side, I found it creepy. He started his history lesson and everyone was all ears because he was very interesting and funny at the same time. At the end of the lesson, that came sooner than expected, he planned a test for the next lesson. Because he wanted to know how good we are in history. 

„I’m gonna ask for a extra lesson.” Ruby walked to him and started to talk. I took my things and went to my locker just outside the classroom. When I closed my locker Ruby walked out of the classroom. 

„OMG, Luce, he’s freaking fast! I already have an extra lesson this noon.” she said when we began to run to the next class.

„Ooh, you’re gonna leave me alone then.” I sounded disappointed. 

„ I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that.” That was the last thing she could say because we arrived at the next lesson. 

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