...Intro: Baby First Meeting

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Kun sighed for God knows how much time now as he explains what was going on to Johnny. He has reconstructed his explanation for Johnny but the older male still can't comprehend a word he is saying. He was almost positive he wasn't talking in his mother tongue so it's definitely Johnny.

"I'm sorry, could you run that by me again?" Johnny asks, looking down at the male beside the one that was talking. He was squeezing the life out of the unicorn plushie as he avoided Johnny's eye contact, his free hand holding onto the hem of Kun's vest.

"Look Mr. Seo, I don't have all day. You are not the only person I have to check up on and validate today so if you could please allow me access to your home, I can assess it in no time." Kun states, adjusted his prescribed lens glasses along his nose.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But just one more time, I promise I'll listen keenly." Johnny plead, pulling a little pout in the mix.

"For the last and final time. Mr. Jung and his team, including you, visited our organization that specializes in catering, protecting and ensuring the safety of persons who have development disorders and was abandoned by their relatives or caregiver." Kun began again, supposedly trying to dumb it down a bit so the client could rationalize it.

Kun continued on, further explaining dumbly, why he was there. "Upon the ending of the tour, Mr. Jung decided to register persons from his company to open their homes to these sweet persons. And here I am, four months later after finalizing the contract to investigate your home and ensure that our prize possessions are safe and well taken care of."

With an amused facial expression, Johnny says, "you said 75% of the time these contracts aren't processed so how comes we're so.. lucky? Why the generosity?" with sarcasm lacing his voice. Kun could laugh but he really didn't care what Johnny had to say. A contract is a contract.

"No, you're not lucky, you're blessed. So for the final time.. please allow us entrance. Taeil doesn't like standing outside too long. I need his approval because he will be assigned to you."

"Wait already? And you're not even standing outside, what are you talking about.." They took the elevator up to his penthouse so they were standing outside his door. Kun's a dramatic one isn't he?

"It's been four months, now will you--" and Kun shoved his way pass Johnny, Taeil following behind immediately, basically glued to the Chinese male's hips. He adjust his vest, fix the glasses on his nose again as he says, "now, if you will excuse me."

"You're not excused." Johnny counteracts, closing the door as he followed behind them. At least they had the decency to take off their shoes before the went inside.

"Bold of you to assume I was asking permission. By the way, nice house Johnny." Kun says boldly, now turning his head a bit to look at the male that came with him. Taeil. "Sweetie do you like this place? There is way more room to play dollies and dress up. I need you to be honest with me okay? Your comfort is all that matters to me."

Timidly, Taeil nodded a yes at Kun, signifying that he'll choose wisely. Kun knew he wouldn't say anything especially with Johnny being the way he was but it was worth a try.

Beginning his conquest, the first place Kun checked was the kitchen.

Reason being is that, Taeil's mental age was somewhere around three to six-- depending on his mood, lower-- so he needed to let Johnny know what to safe proof for Taeil's safety. Taeil was a very curious male so more than likely, he'll be touching everything he sees.

After surveying every inch of the kitchen, pulling out his little vintage notebook to make notes of all the unsafe areas, he when upstairs. "Johnny please follow me."

It was as if Kun took the house as his own, prodding around it like he owned it and now demanding Johnny to follow him.. in his own home. Laughable. "Yes sir.." Johnny mumbled sarcastically.

"Don't be fresh with me. I may be smaller than you but I can take you down to my height.. giant." Kun retorts nonchalant as he proceeds ahead, "now if you don't mind, please show me where Taeil will be staying."

"I should just give up huh? You seem like the persistent type.." He didn't put it pass Kun that he wouldn't actually do what he stated because he was professionally feisty.

Kun paused which ultimately led to Taeil stopping as well, hitting into the spectacle male. "That would be wise. I didn't get this position from giving up easily. Now if you may.." Kun gestured for him to move before him.

Johnny groaned in annoyance, looking to the timid male with his unicorn in his hand before running his hand through his damped hair. He didn't pick out a room for the small delicate male so he doesn't know what Kun expects from him. He didn't even remember his boss, Jaehyun, signing him up for this.

"Johnny just pick a room, preferably close to yours." Kun assisted, remaining composed.

"Why?" Johnny inquired. Kun wished Johnny would allow this to move smoothly, just for once in his life he'd like the procedure to move smoothly and uninterrupted.

"It would be easier on you being that for majority of the time you'll need to keep constant eye on him, well, just until he gets used to you." Kun justifies Johnny's simply asked question then further added, "by the looks of it, definitely going to take some time."

He didn't want to admit it but he liked how straight forward Kun was and how he got straight to the point. He scanned Kun's backside slowly, smiled then walked before the two shorter males.

"If so, then, the only other available rooms I have besides mine are the room across from me and the other that's opposite the hall. The one across from me hasn't been used so I'll have to get it cleaned and what not." Johnny stated. There was no use in him arguing anymore, Kun won.

"Well, I'll leave my report with you at the end of my assessment and you will have no less than two weeks to arrange everything to accommodate this precious little one here." Kun says, following behind Johnny with Taeil in toll as he lead the way, them arriving at what he guessed will be the small male's temporary room.

"Report?" Johnny moaned. This kind of sounds like hard work.

Kun smiled, chuckling even and to Johnny he sounded menacing. "Don't worry about that Mr. Seo, I'll fully inform you by the time we're leaving here. By the way.."

Johnny watched as Kun brought Taeil from behind him, which he seemed to have glue himself as soon as taller got before them. His head was still held down, the plushie still tightly held in his arm. Kun stood behind him, hands on his shoulders as he introduced Taeil.

"This is Taeil," Kun began, "and from now on Johnny will be your caregiver for six months." A sweet smile was on his face as he introduced Taeil.

Taeil stood shyly before Kun, curly bouncy hair resting cosily on his forehead, biting his lips. He was wearing an Ariel long sleeved shirt, red shorts and princess socks. He stared pointedly at his sock covered toes like it was the most interesting thing.

"Go on sweetie, say hello." Kun urged him in a sweet tone, much sweeter than how he approached Johnny when he first got to his penthouse. 

After a little while, Taeil slowly looked up through his long bang to barely look at Johnny as he whispers with a stutter, "h-hello." He looked back at his socks immediately, his delicate hands aid in squishing the unicorn plushie.

That was the softest hello Johnny had every received from a human being ever. It was so low and breathy that he almost missed it. He had introduced himself as well (because of a demanding Kun) and then they moved onto check the rooms and other places.

The next hour was spent poking around his home and Kun leaving everything he needed to do and safe proof for Taeil and also some information about what Taeil likes and dislikes. While he listened to Kun talk, he looked at an inattentive Taeil as he made a mental note at his demeanor. While looking at him, he thought, 'maybe this won't be so bad after all.'

Maybe that hello made him less reluctant to give in.

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