Arlo X Reader- The Obvious Crush

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It has been a little over a year now since (Name), the newest Builder has come from Barnarock, a horrible place with hot and dry climate. (Name) loved it here in Portia, she finally found her family after her father left and (Name) was alone for many years before coming here, where (Name) finally found her home.

She loved the environment, the people, and the job she had. Over the last year, (Name) has gotten quite the rep and finally beat her nemesis, Higgins for #1 Workshop. Her Workshop (Workshop Name) has been steadily growing and it looked nothing like it was when she first came here.

(Name) couldn't have been happier, after Ma had died, and Pa left her she had no one save for her Aunt. But, now, living with her two pets: Pinky, her cat and Scraps, (Name)'s dog. (Name) has befriended almost all of the townspeople and she was living the dream.

But there was one specific person who caught her attention: Arlo, the leader of the Civil Corps.

Ever since the first day that (Name) came to town, she could remember it clearly. Arlo had kicked the door to the Commissions Guild with a job and he caught her heart at the spot.

Ever since then, (Name) has desperately tried to grab his attention. She always hung out with him, she listened to his stories and she has always made sure to try to take any of his commissions.

But it wasn't enough. Even with all this hard work, Arlo has yet to realize the feelings that (Name) holds for him. But, everyone else in town knew of her feelings. Some of them teased: Sam, Remington and Gust. Some has tried comforting her: Alice, Ginger and Antoine.

Though (Name) appreciates the encouragement from her friends, the teasing is horrible. There was one time where (Name) was in the Civil Corps HQ with Arlo, listening to his stories when Sam and Remington walked in. Sam saw the two of them sitting together and locked eyes with (Name) and winked.

(Name) became flustered but ignored the two as she listened to Arlo stating that he was fighting a rat. Same looked at Remi and they both shared a look before nodding and made their way to the Builder.

They sat next to (Name), "Hey, Arlo, did you tell her about the princess we saved a few years back?" Remington asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure (Name) would want to hear that, wouldn't, ya?" Sam asked (Name).

"Oh, of course! So (Name) the princess had been trapped underneath one of the ruins and we gotten the message to save her."

"Yeah! Arlo swept in fought a couple of baddies when grabbed her and carried her to safety. Hey, isn't that a nice thought? A man grabbing you and picking you up and carrying you away. Huh, (Name), you would like that right?" Sam said and (Name) felt her face grow hot at the picture of Arlo carrying her.

"Arlo, you could carry (Name), right?" Remington asked and the redhead looked at his friend and nodded, "Yeah."

"Hear that (Name), Arlo could pick you up and carry you. You would like that, wouldn't you?" She whispered in her friends' ear and (Name) could die of embarrassment.

"I-I gotta go!" (Name) yelled as she stood up and ran to the doors and didn't stop running until she made it to her bed. Even after a few days (Name) couldn't look at Arlo, let alone keep a conversation with him.

But now, her she was, at The Round Table with her best friend, Gust. Even though Gust had a hard shell and was most likely to insult her some way shape or form even on a good day. Both had bonded over the last year of working together and became a duo of friends.

(Name) was eating her favorite, (food) and had her favorite (drink) in hand. Gust was eating Baked Rice with Chicken Curry with a glass of Apricot Juice.

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