- "Hold on to Helios, O. Just do it."

I patted Helios on the side and commanded him to go home; I knew he'd understand and soon after he started moving away with O on him. At least one of us will make it out of this one. Then, everything went black.

     I hadn't heard from Bellamy's unit yet and it was starting to become concerning; we had sent Jaha and a couple of guards to look for them but I hadn't heard from them either

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

     I hadn't heard from Bellamy's unit yet and it was starting to become concerning; we had sent Jaha and a couple of guards to look for them but I hadn't heard from them either. I was walking around the hangar when I saw Monty coming my way.

- "Hey!" –I spoke to him- "Any word from Jaha? Did they find Bellamy's unit?"

- "Yeah, they're back and we forgot to tell you."

I was not used to this treatment and sarcasm from Monty but I understood he was still pissed after the names of the list had come out. It hadn't been pleasant to watch. I kept walking and found Niylah there who greeted me first as we hugged and we started talking about supplies when Harper came from the outside yelling for me.

- "Clarke! Fast!"

- "Octavia?" –a guard was carrying her in- "What happened?"

- "She just stopped breathing."

- "Ok. Get her on the table!" –I commanded the guard as I started moving everything from the way.

- "She has a stab wound in her abdomen and she's soaked in blood."

- "Alright." –I nodded at her as I started the CPR procedure on Octavia- "What happened?" –I asked the guard.

- "I don't know, she came in..."

- "Clarke." –Harper called me again, her voice even more concerned than before.

- "What?" -I followed her eyes to see a guard coming in escorting a Grounder I didn't recognize carrying Sam- "What the hell happened?" –I screamed at him, motioning him to put Sam on the other table- "I can't take care of both of them at the same time."

- "It's okay, Sam's breathing." –Harper stood next to her and started checking her body.

- "Who are you?" –I looked at the Grounder that brought Sam in- "How did this happen to them?"

- "Ilian kom Trishanakru. I was on my way home from Polis when I saw them. She..." –he pointed to Sam- "...fell to the ground exhausted and slapped the horse to bring her..." –he pointed at Octavia- "...here. So, I caught her and carried her back too."

- "That's very Sam." –Monty came next to us with a container with water, putting a wet cloth over Sam's forehead.

- "Come on, Octavia!" –I yelled as I kept up- "Come on." –she finally took a deep breath and opened her eyes; she was dehydrated and disoriented but alive- "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." –I placed my hands on her face- "Octavia, you've lost a lot of blood, but you're home now, I'm gonna help you."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 · 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘥 ⁴Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora