1. Bran's vision.

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The salty winds make his eyes sting. Bran slowly walks, his legs uneven on the roots of mangroves. It seems so real, so unbelievable that it is a vision. The canopy is so dense that sunlight comes down in slanted rays. The winds gain their velocity, making his unkept hair fly.

Suddenly, laughs and footsteps are heard. Bran stays still, not sure what to expect. A girl of twelve is running towards him, a man behind her. Both of them are laughing and seems happy.wish i could be like that, Bran thinks.The girl has pale silver hair, kept so short that you can see her skull. The man has the same hair, same sculpted nose.Lady Brienne and Lord Selwyn.

But they stop laughing. 

They have seen something. Something has washed up on the shore.

The man runs to the place, Bran and the girl not far behind. it is a boat. Surprisingly, a direwolf symbol can be seen on its body. 

Stay here, Brienne. the man says. The girl obeys, but it is clear on her face that she is not happy about the command. Bran and the man looks inside the boat.

A lady is lying dead inside, an arrow stuck on her chest. Her red gown is ripped at the end, her  hair like molten silver matted with dirt and her violet eyes lifeless. 

A Targaryn ?

Beside her, a long braid of black hair can be seen.the scalp is covered in blood. Apparently the hair was ripped out of the man's head.

But not far away, the bundle of cloth starts moving. Lord Selwyn slowly move the cloth away.

A child, not older than two, is asleep, dry tears marks running over her dirty face. Her arm is ripped out as well, leaving only a bloody stump.

Oh my gods, Selwyn says. Brienne, close your eyes. But Bran can see in his peripheral vision that Brienne is staring at the boat, transfixed.

Near the girl child, a scroll is seen. Selwyn opens it.

The blood of the dragon wrote the history, the fire of the dragon will write the future as well.

Thats my father's handwriting, Bran says aloud. But no one hears him.

A Dothraki chieftain has been killed and a new one has ascended the position. He and his wife are dead,the child's hand is cut so that the Dothraki symbol is erased.The child is half Dothraki,half Targaryn. Bran makes the calculation. He is surprised as well as disgusted at himself. The thirst for curiosity has blinded his eyes of pity.

Pity is useless. None has survived by it.

But the one armed girl is going to prove you wrong, a little voice rings inside his ears.

( I know its short. Please forgive me. Please do not forget to vote and comment your opinions!!

love, rie)

The Sapphire DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora