Part 106 : Magar Jee Nahi Sakte... Tumhaare Bina

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Ishita looked at the movie star in consternation as Gina sauntered over, standing next to Subbu, her eyes briefly checking him out and dismissing him, before fixing on Raman again.

This was all that was needed to make a bad situation intolerable. And Ishita had had enough. These two shadows from Raman and her past had caused enough issues between her husband and her. The emotional storms of the past few days had taken a toll on both Raman and her. They needed their time alone together, needed to make up to each other for the tears they had inflicted, the pain they had been through. And Ishita Bhalla was not going to allow either Gina or Subbu to waste any more of her precious alone time with her husband.

"Raman, wait, please" she said quietly, forestalling her husband as he turned flashing eyes from Subbu to Gina. "Let me deal with this. Please" she repeated, her hands tightening on her husband's arm, the firmness in her voice willing him to look at her.

Raman slowly turned his eyes from Subbu and Gina to his wife. He could see anxiety in her eyes, but he could also see a firm resolve, a glimpse of his Jhansi ki Rani of old. His love, and the love of her children, had mellowed her, but right now, maybe it was time for his JKR to make a comeback. He nodded, not saying anything, his hand going around her waist once more as he waited for his JKR to unleash her lectures on the two unsuspecting idiots facing them.

Ishita felt her husband's hand on her waist, his arm around her, and her confidence soared. She could take on the world with him by her side, Subbu and Gina were of no consequence.

"Gina" her voice was as cold as ice as she addressed the smirking movie star first. "You said many things to me inside the ballroom, and I didn't respond then because it wasn't the time or the place to get into personal discussions. But since you won't leave us alone, since you insist on making a fool out of yourself and forcing yourself into our faces, let me tell you, for once and for all, that I am not in the least concerned about you and your threats. Do what you want. Play whatever games you need to. You will never come between Raman and me. You will never break up my family. You don't matter to us Gina. We don't care about you or your nonsense. You are part of Raman's past and that is exactly where you will always remain. In his past."

"I'll get what I want Ishita..." Gina retorted but Ishita Bhalla was not going go back off now.

"No" she said firmly, disdain dripping from every syllable. "No you won't. My husband is not some object that you can get. People are not possessions Gina. You can want all you like, and make yourself miserable or you can move on with dignity. But you will not get my husband. So stop making an utter fool of yourself."

"How dare you..." Gina started, but once again Raman's Ishita cut her off.

"I dare" she said softly. "I dare because I am right. And because Raman is standing with me. Not with you. This show is over Gina. Go find some other role to play."

"And as for you Subbu" She turned her attention to her former fiancée, who had been listening wide eyed. "I know what you want to say to me. You want to beg me not to tell akka and jeeju about your sordid affair, about the fact that you are living with another woman over here, cheating on your wife. Well, don't worry Subbu. My time is too precious to waste on you and your nonsense. I really don't care what you are up to, and who you are with. If you have any shame, any conscience, then you will tell your wife, your family yourself, but they won't find out from me."

"And now" she continued as both Gina and Subbu stared mutely at her. "My husband and I have somewhere we need to be. Please, have some pride, some self respect, and stop following us. Let's go Raman"

She felt his arm tighten even harder around her waist and he bent his head towards her as they started to walk off towards the jetty. Without a backward glance.

Desire ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora