Crushed Crushes

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Michael knocked on the door of Logan and Alex's hotel room hesitantly. He wasn't sure if he wanted to listen to what they were doing. Hell, he wasn't sure if they were even in there. But, unfortunately, he had drawn the short straw and had been pushed towards the neighbouring hotel room.

He didn't really know Alex too well, this was his first time spending more than a five minute awkward conversation with her about how he knew Logan. And, retrospectively, he was ashamed that he had dismissed her as another ditzy because now that he knew her better he recognized that she was, in fact, more eloquent than Logan. She was knowledgeable, intelligent, generous. He liked her. Really. More so than he should especially seeing as she was practically of marital status with one of his best friends.

The door creaked open and he was greeted by Alex in a pair of tight fitting jeans and a loose shirt as she yawned, her hair a messy ponytail. "Hey Mikey." She said with a smile, and he was about to blurt out exactly what he thought of those jeans and the way they hugged her ass but he was, thankfully, interrupted by an unwanted intruder.

"Hey Michael, what's up?" Logan asked, stepping behind his girlfriend and pressing a kiss into her collar bone before smiling at Michael because he didn't know about his stalker -esque crush on his friend's long term girlfriend.

Michael gulped, "We were planning on going down to the bar and were wondering if you wanted to come too?" By 'we' he meant that Theresa has asked him to ask on behalf of the group and by 'you' he had implied only Alex. But neither of the couple noticed so he didn't correct himself. He knew it was wrong, not only because Alex was taken but because, for the last few months, he had been seeing Theresa outside of band meetings, mainly at coffee shops and the beach, and he really enjoyed her company.

"We'd love to, this is a group vacation." Logan insisted, blatantly reminding Michael of his presence. It was unfair how with a simple glance Logan could read Alex's mind, let go of her waist and watch her walk into their temporary bedroom. "She's just getting changed." Logan told him. Spotting Michael's eyes trained on his future fiance and stepping fully into the space between the edges of the door frame. Logan raised his eyebrows, wordlessly demanding an explaination.

"She's hot." Michael shrugged like that constituted his wandering eyes, like he would have said to Logan before he developed this unhealthy crush.

Logan's arms folded over his chest, his biceps accentuated by the movement, which only reminded Michael of Logan's extensive training in aggressive evasive measures. "She's beautiful." Logan corrected and before Michael could interject, he continued, "They're two very different things, and if you can't tell the difference -"

"You two ready?" Came Alex's voice, preceding her presence. She was wearing the same outfit, however, now light make up accentuated her eyes and her hair fell in slender waves down her neck to her shoulder blades. With one last pointed glare, Logan's arms relaxed and he swept one hand cordially in front of him, causing the softest of giggles from Alex as she curtsied with an imaginary skirt and passed through the door before Logan locked up.

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