Part 2 UwU

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 I'm so sorry that I took a while to upload another chapter haha I kinda forgot about this I guess well I didn't forget I just had no confidence to write another chapter but I ended up doing it, heh here we go again.


Nobody's POV!

Shoji had woken up from his nap while Tokoyami is still sleeping in his arms. He felt a slight blush rise on his face when his classmates walked in and were making fun of them "Aww are you two dating now? We knew something was up with you two!" said Mina.

"We're not dating! Tokoyami is just taking a nice nap with me for safety reasons. " Shoji replied.

Mina and the classmates decided to leave Tokoyami and Shoji alone after a long time of making fun of them. Shoji picked Tokoyami up and took him to his room. Shoji layed Tokoyami on his bed very carefully, and covered him before walking out of his room and closing the door.

Shoji's POV:

"Well I guess I'll go sleep in Tokoyami's room.. Damn today went by fast we must've slept most of the day.. Heh just like Tokoyami wanted. He didn't say it, but I knew that was on his mind."

All of a sudden I get pulled into someone's room and there's the girls sitting in a circle 'they look like they're about to summon a demon lol' Mina opens her mouth about to speak but then she closes her mouth and she's suddenly pulling me to sit with her and the other girls, the girls were none other than Uraraka, Hagakure, Jiro, Momo, and a few others.

"So spill the tea about you and Tokoyami!" Mina says way too excited.

"There's nothing much going on with us, we're really just good friends! Today he got scared at the store and clung to me the rest of the day. While talking we ended up taking a nap with each other. He also didn't want to be alone since he was still a bit scared so I stayed with him because that's what best friends are for!" I said explaining to her.

"Do you like Tokoyami?" Jiro adds in.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship." I said knowing that saying this will make them delve deeper but, you know what, screw it. "OOH So you do like Tokoyami!! Shouji dear, you won't ruin your friendship with him. We all know he's got the hots for you!" Momo comments with a small smirk.

" I don't even know if I like him or not, it might just be that I like him but not in a romantic type way or a romantic type way, I have no idea myself. I also don't think I'm ready for a romantic relationship... I want to be with Tokoyami... But as friends for now... Y'know?" I replied.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Yaomomo said.

After she said that, I smiled and got up and then I walked to Tokoyami's room laying on his bed. When I layed down, I could smell Tokoyami's scent, it smelled so nice. I started to cry a little because I can't tell if what I feel for Tokoyami is real or not... I want to be with him so bad that it hurts, but I don't even think he feels the same way. I keep getting told that he has feelings for me but I doubt it. Someone as worthless and as useless as me? That is funny. Nobody wants to date a octopus looking person. I know I've said before that I like him like that! I'm afraid to even tell him because he could reject me, and I'm scared of rejection... I can't believe I've fallen for someone who is too good for me!! My life just keeps getting worse and worse... I thought to myself.

Tokoyami's POV:

I woke up to find that I'm in Shoji's bed and he's not here. I kinda felt sad that he wasn't here with me. But it's fine I don't know why I'm thinking about him so much. It's not like I have a crush on him or anything. I got up and looked at my phone for the time, it was 7pm. I looked out the window and saw the sunset. It was an amazing sight. It made me think of Shoji because he's just as beautiful... I immediately got flustered at the words I just said. Why did I say that. If I said that out loud I would've been dead. I shouldn't even have these thoughts, he is straight and so am I. I don't have feelings for him, no way. I crossed my arms. He's really cute though, but in a friend sort of way. He's my best friend and it's completely normal to call him cute, we're best friends.

After thinking about all of that, I made my way to the door to open it and ask Shoji if he wanted to see the sun go down with me but when I tried to open the door, it opened before I even had the chance. It was Shoji. Before I had time to move out of the way, he crashed into me and we fell to the floor, and his lips were on mine.

I want to give a big thanks to my good friend YaBoiSero you should go follow them they're amazing and they helped me write the story by proof reading and fixing my errors and writing in formal she helped me so much with everything and she's a good person she encouraged me to continue writing my story when I wasn't feeling confident so I'm giving a huge thanks to her!! Thank you so much for everything and here's credit lol.

Credits to: YaBoiSero

965 words

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