restaurant trouble

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Tom's POV

        "Sit up and act like a Big Boy." I warned, Nathan grumbled under his breath, earning a slap on the thigh from Max, "Listen to what he says and don't make a big deal out of it." Nathan sighed loudly, sitting up digging out his phone. Usually I'd take his phone, but he was being quiet and not pissing anyone off.

        Soon Jay and Siva arrived with Nano and Scooter, "Morning boys. Sorry we got stuck in traffic. What's for lunch?" Jay apologized planting a kiss on Nathan's head, the boy rolled his eyes, earning yet another slap on the thigh from Max. "Mexican, which someone isn't happy about." I explained, Jay nodded noticing the frown from Nathan, "They sell American food here Nath." Siva tried, but Nathan shook his head, "It's not good! I don't like it! I hate Mexican food and all of you!" He yelled, lifting him up slightly, I pampered his thigh with ten hard smacks, "Last warning before we go to the bathroom." I warned, he whimpered, leaning to where I could whisper in his ear, "Do you want a spanking in front of all these people?" I asked, he shook his head, "No sir." he whispered, "Then I suggest you hand me your phone, sit up, and start acting like the grown up Nathan who knows how to act in public, and tell me what you want to eat for lunch. Understand me?" I asked, my tone more pleasent, he nodded handing me his phone.

        "Now what do you want for lunch? They have just plain nachos." I suggested, he shrugged, "Alright let's go." I sighed, standing up, he started crying, "Please no Tom! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, please no. I'll be good." he begged, glancing at Max he nodded, pulling Nathan close. What had gotten into that boy today?

Max's POV

        "I know Tom had already told you to act right. I know you don't like Mexican but everyone else does. It's not all about Nathan, I know at home you get whatever you want sometimes, but not all the time. If you don't want to have this belt across your bottom then you had better straighten up, I mean it Nathan. The next time we have to correct you, I'm taking you to the bathroom. Clear?" I grumbled, he nodded, kissing his temple I wiped his tears, Tom threw his arm around him, "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay Nath." Nathan stifiled a sob nodding.

Nathan's POV

        I'm tired, in pain, my girl friend just dumped me. My mother lectured me last night over phone about crusing when Max had already given me a couple few licks for it, I'm doing bad in my online classes. Everything sucks. Then to make matters worse, they got me up extermely early this morning! And then expected me to be fully awake and not make any mistakes, Tom slapped my bottom in the recording studio for yelling at scooter, then Max did in the car for 'being a jerk to everyone' whatever. Then they bring me to a nasty, ulgy, mexican restraunt -which they know I hate- and tell me to 'be good'.

        Well we get seated, and Tom makes me sit beside him and Max, so they start talking business, getting out my phone, Tom took it looking through my messages. Finding a cuss word, "Nathan what did we say about cursing?" he asked, A fatherly tone taking over his voice, "That was before Max spanked me for it." I explained, he nodded, "Okay. Here." he handed it back to me, starting up his conversation with Max again, when he put his arm around me, not wanting to 'cuddle' i groaned moving away, Tom scoffed putting his arm around me pulling me closer, "Someones grumpy today. Need a nap today Nath?" he asked in a mocking voice, Sinking in my chair I pushed him away, "Leave me alone." Tom slapped my thigh "Don't tell me what to do, little boy. Sit up and act like a Big Boy." He warned. Life sucks.

"Drinks?" the waiter asked,

Scooter: Pepsi

Nano: Water

Jay: Tea

Siva: Water

Max: Water

Tom: Pepsi

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