The theory of Interconnection

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What if everything had to be connected in one way or another? What if we had a language that everyone and everything understood the same way?

I was sitting by a tree this morning looking at the sunrise, the sea breeze flowing on my skin. Then I just had that simple thought in my head, everything is connected in way or another because connection is important.

Humans evolved, but did we evolve for the better of mankind? We rely on verbal language heavily but do we feel people as much as we should? In terms of evolution we reached quite far with technology and tools to minimize human efforts in one way or another, but in terms of bonding between people we lost a lot more. In the past human or its descendants relied solely on body language to convey the message and it worked fine, competition was there but mutual respect and helping one another was also something that bonded them together. In the modern world the need to help others is scarce, when one sees another they see their rival and almost like an enemy because to keep competitive advantage rivals help each other evolve for the better.

"If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far go together", African Proverb"

As said by this proverb we need to decide what we need to do in our life, we have time, desires, temptation and a lot more other feelings. We are nodes in a network; we are all connected deep down, be it humans, animals or nature itself. Some are natural healers; some are natural advice givers and much more. We have the language of feelings, something that we understand the same way regardless of how someone was brought up and which language he or she speaks. Let's take a baby for example , a mother can feel the baby's emotion and act accordingly and the mothers also have a heightened sense of intuition when the baby is concerned .We rely too much on spoken words that we fail to sense or feel what the other person is feeling while saying those words. Little by little the language of the emotions is losing its throne.

Being seen as different in the modern community are the ones born with the innate ability of understanding that particular nearly lost language called the Empaths. They hold the key to joining people's heart together and the key to showing one the light to his/her way in his/her own life. We can consider the empaths as being the cables in the network to join the nodes or a device to connect the nodes to one another. Can the nearly lost language be learnt? I believe it is possible as we still have it, our intuition that we rarely depend on for various reasons. Once of them being that it is not reliable.

Let's say someone is trying to lift 150 kg without any training all of a sudden, what will happen to his body? He will feel pain all over and might break an arm or both, but what if he did it over a longer period starting with basic weight and increasing? That sounds safer and he has a higher chance of succeeding. Intuition or the sixth sense is the same the more we rely on it and train it (via meditation) the more accurate it becomes.

We are all connected whether we like it or not. We share a deep bond we cannot see but feel; let's not kill what is left of it by relying solely on other types of communications and try engaging more which can benefit humans in general. The Empaths are the gifted ones they are more connected to everything and are the building blocks as well as the healers but they are also the same as everyone else. Everyone was born to stand out in his/her way, Do not try to become someone you are not or against your principles. Born at first we have no connections except for those of families but as we grow we connect to more people and that affects our lives in a way or another.

Language Development somehow jeopardized our innate ability to connect with physical and metaphysical aspects of our lives, but it also gave us an important tool to standardize our shared realities into something we can all relate to. It helped us to be able to express accurately. But language is transforming (like every live entity) and sees what language has become today: some typing on a screen followed by emoji's and GIFs. Our emotions are becoming even more standardized.

For instance, now we don't have a variety of smiles, now this one J speaks for all. It's sad that we are losing our trademarks of expression, and that we are losing the ability to read others' expressions as well. Language is losing its soul and its becoming more mechanic, more of a common coding than a self-expression.

The connection getting loose day by day, choose wisely and try to stay more connected and do things the old way. Face to face communications and most important is to feel the others emotion and to be able to have that bonding between the two of you.

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