chapter two : silence

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As soon as I entered the living room,I saw a big and well proportioned plasma television, some couches, artistic frames and I also glanced at the dining area .many things have changed so far from my family ,our home and the lifestyle they have adopted. Going further into the house I saw all the places I  knew before have been refurnished

"Ya daisha your room is upstairs" ayman said from the other end of the room.

I quickly took my luggage and headed upstairs. I opened the door of the room and ya salam every thing has been changed. I set foot on a velvet coloured carpet, the room is painted in purple and pink. A king sized bed and a three set of wardrobes. There is also a dressing mirror filled with cosmetics and deodorants. I left my things beside the bed,and hopped into the bathroom to have a shower. When I was done,I opened my wardrobe and found different outfits. "Where the heck did Abba get all this money from?, I squealed.

Daisha finished all her routines and joined her siblings in the kitchen. Their stay was awkward so heena broke the silence
" sis please tell me about America ".It's a long story I'll tell you later OK !,Daisha said and continued to chop the tomatoes as if they are at a war field.
After they finished cooking the dish ayman came into the kitchen." What are you girls cooking, ya didi if you should eat heena's food you will sleep in the toilet.

They finally finished setting everything on the dining table when Daisha asked about Abba. The duo kept quiet and she got the message. Why was their father hellbent on getting money at all cost after he has enough already. It is okay for him to work for a little so that he would recover from his loss. But this is too much she couldn't tolerate it anymore.

The siblings ate their meal,Daisha served her self some potato chips while the rest of them ate fried rice and chicken garnished with some salad. After they prayed isha prayer they all went to their various rooms.Early the next morning,Heena came into Daisha's room and informed her that Abba needs to see her urgently before he leaves for work. She sluggishly went down stairs and knocked his door twice then he gave her permission to enter.

Abba was sitting on a sofa beside his desk. He is a workaholic who is dedicated and sees punctuality as a great virtue. He vowed to discipline his children and make sure they get qualitative education. He then adjusted his well framed glasses and began to speak.

"Welcome home my dear"
"Thank you Abba " Daisha replied playing with her pinky finger.
"It's about your engagement with Aalee,he is coming to meet you tomorrow"
"But Abba I do--
Abba cut her short and continued
" I am tired of your excuses you are twenty two for crying out you want to stay as a spinster for the rest of your life".now get out of my room right now.Abba said dismissively. Daisha went out of his room with tears freely flowing on her cheeks. She walked like boneless a  creature.

Our father has really changed in the nick of time, he is also not as friendly as he was before. Maybe it's because of our mother's decease. But he is abandoning us when we need him the most. Avoiding the thought I went and performed ablution, prayed zuhr prayer and settled down on my praying mat to read suratul kahf. I later on called my school friend sufia  .The phone rang twice and then she picked it up. We discussed and chatted a lot before I went to bed.

5:30 PM.

My phone rang and I saw an unknown number, later on I answered the phone and I heard a male voice then hanged the call up
Ayman came to my room  and informed me that the so-called Aalee is waiting for me. I just feel like vanishing in the air. But I shouldn't be this strict on him maybe he is also forced to marry me. I wore I black leggings and a white T-shirt then put an Abaya on top to go with. I later on wrapped a black veil on my head and applied a pink lipstick to go with my undeniably fair skin.

As soon as I went out I saw a man about 6'6 in figure he is neither fair nor dark in complexion. He posses a long and pointed nose almost a second version of Pinocchio.
"Hi " he said after clearing his throat then kept his gaze on me. I was uncomfortable but  he kept staring at me from head to toe.

Ya ilahil alamin,this lady is everything she looks even prettier right now. I did all I could for her to be mine and cry on my shoulder but to no avail. She looks dashing from her moderate pink lips to her fresh fair skin,her pointed nose and her well curved face her brown doe like eye which resembles a hazel eye.she is also moderate in height and well curved. She is the Best for me and I'll do anything for her even if it means me killing my own parents. I removed my shades and kept examining her entire petite figure not minding how uncomfortable she was. Then,I cleared my throat and begin to talk  to her in one of my best and calm voice possible.

"How was your graduation Disha".
" Fine and pls my name isn't disha but Daisha she said not looking at him.

Aalee continued to blather all the last nonsensical talks Daisha  would ever wish to hear. She then walked  out on him and left.He was startled,he is the kind of guy no girl would ever resist. "It's all my fault that I even postpone the wedding till after her graduation thinking she would help out with the house hold expenses but I was wrong,she has now become arrogant and haughty. Urg!he shrugged and left.

I continued to cry all day long and then suddenly, heena came to my room panting and told me to come downstairs with her. As soon as I entered the parlour I saw an average tall woman in her early twenties almost of my age but precisely taller than me.who is she I asked Ayman.
" I also don't know her".
The lady cleared her throat and before she could begin Abba cut her short.
"I will introduce her to you no need to panic".

So here is trouble marrying trouble.
how many of us like Aalee, so grumpy  isn't  he, now let's  drift to the matter of auren dole😊😀. Any guesses on who that woman is? 🙄.

Pls don't  forget  to 
                  With love

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