{•Chapter Twenty-Five•}

Start from the beginning

"As a matter of fact, I did," Leon retorts sarcastically.

"Wonderful. I wouldn't want my special guests on the island feeling unattended."

"Guess I'm supposed to thank you, right?"

"Or we could slap him a million times once we see him again..." Gwen murmured under her breath as she waltzed over to the blonde.

"Ah... I have an idea. Since you're here, why don't I introduce you to "it." It should keep you busy, but do make sure our goddess doesn't get a scratch on her. She is quite valuable."

"Can't remember the name?" Leon scoffs teasingly. "A senior moment, perhaps."

"Enjoy the fun."

"Oh, we will..." Gwen forces a smile as the call ends. "We've been having one hell of a time since we arrived in this dump."

Leon hooked the radio back onto his belt as he eyed Gwen. "Guess we're in for another surprise."

The archivist's forced smile drooped into a frown as she moved to stand in front of Leon. She placed a hand on his right cheek, trailing her thumb under the cut. "It'll most likely scar."

"It'll make me look more badass," Leon smugly grinned.

Gwen giggled as a wide smile spread across her face. "Whatever you say, Leon."


"Oh, what a fancy door," Gwen commented as they stood in front of a rather shiny, pristine door. "Almost looks like it's made out of gold."

"Probably costs more than our apartments combined," Leon said as the doors slid open with a faint hiss. A long, bright hallway was on the other side of the automated doors.

"And the fanciness continues," Gwen said as a set of lasers activated as they walked down the illuminated hallway.

Leon maneuvered through the obstacle without earning a scratch. Before the archivist could follow, he held out a hand to stop her. "Stay."

Gwen folded her arms across her chest, tapping her finger against her forearm as she pouted. "I'm not a dog."

"All you're missing are the ears and tail," Leon remarked with a chuckle.

"Leon," she growls.

"Sorry, sorry," Leon apologizes before moving forward. "But still, stay there."

Gwen threw her hands up into the air, knowing arguing wouldn't get her anywhere. "Just go be your cool self. I'll be here when you're done with your circus act."

"Enjoy the show," Leon grinned as he dodged more lasers.

Eventually, he made it to the end of the hallway and deactivated the lasers for Gwen. She casually waltzed down the corridor, her hips swaying with each step. She clapped her hands together with a smirk as she approached Leon. "Ten out of ten. Would you like a golden star?"

"A kiss sounds better," the blonde said without thinking.

Gwen's grin turned into a genuine smile. "That can be arranged." She stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against the corner of his mouth. It was a small peck, but it was enough to satisfy Leon's desire. The woman saw the satisfied expression on his face and patted his arm. "Glad you enjoyed your reward."

Inside the throne room, Leon and Gwen admired how clean and vacant it was. A chair with plush cushions caught the blonde's eye and he grew curious. Without hesitation, he walked up to the throne and sat down. He crossed his legs, reclining his chin against his fist as his arm was propped up on the armrest.

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now