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"Dad, please don't do this." I beg as he drags me into empty room where two big guys were standing.

"You're supposed to be my dad!" I yell, on the verge of tears as he exits the room, leaving me with the two men.

"I hate you!" I scream, crying uncontrollably.

One of the guys harshly grabs my arm and threw me on the ground.

"Madison blue, 18 years old?" The buff guy ask, looking down at me.

"Y-Yes." I stutter, terrified.

He looks over to the other guy and nods his head before they begin to beat me, punching and kicking me.

I plead them to stop, crying and begging.

"Stop for a minute." One of the guys stops and walks over the door, banging on it.

My "dad" opens it, looking confused. "I paid for thirty minutes!"

"She won't shut up." The guy says.
My dad groans and stomps out of the room. He comes back with duck tape in his hand.

"Here, put two pieces over her mouth." He rips two pieces of tape off of the roll.

The men nod and my dad leaves the room, slamming the door on the way out.

I flinch and close my eyes as they walk up to me.

They beat me until I'm unconscious.
I wake up in my room, looking around scared.

The pain hit me all at once as I wake up, starring at ceiling

I hear my door unlock so I closed my eyes acting like I was still sleeping.

"I'm going out tonight " I hear my dad say as he walks in the door.

I felt someone hit me in my side causing me to lean up in pain, holding my side.

"Look she's awake. " My dads say. I look at him with hatred. There was his main sidekick next to him.

"Tomorrow is Monday " Jacob says. I roll my eyes as they talk among themselves.

"Dad." I say quietly, scared he's going to turn around and hit me.

They stop and look at me, "What?"
He says raising his voice.

"You woke me up?" I say confused.

"Oh yeah, Jacob wants to see you."
He says looking at me then at Jacob.

"Okay, I'll be back tonight. Do not let her out this room or I will kick your ass." He says sternly, looking at Jacob.

He gave Jacob some keys and left the room.

"Hey Elle." He says calling me by my middle name.

"Hey Jacob. " I say hoping he would leave. He sighs and walks out the room.

I lay back down in more pain then I was before.

I hear someone opening the door so I sit up on my bed once again, playing with my fingers.

I look over and see Jacob coming back in with a ice pack in his hand.

"Here beautiful." He says, walking in and closing the door. He walks over to me and sits on the bed next to me.

"Thank you." I say quietly, scooting away from him. "I try to be nice to you but you make it so hard " He raises his voice, throwing down the ice pack making it break.

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