Thank you's

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Thank you to all of my friends at my school, Hilo Intermediate, and on wattpad, other schools, and my family. Most of my friends know how much I love kpop and things, but I love them too, as a friend. So, mahalo to these following people and follow their accounts and read whatever stories they made...














Also, when I publish more stories, try to read them and I'm sorry if they are bad to you guys and I'll try to do better. It's just my first time so I need practice, if you all know what I'm sayin'. Well, this is just some stupid random stuff so... yeah. Also, thank you to my friends at school for helping me through my hard times and I'm so sorry if I'm being  a bad friend to you guys, I love all of my friends with all of my heart and I'm glad to have you guys in my life. Also, this song is dedicated to all of my friends.

Remember, just because I'm moving, it doesn't mean you won't be with me. In my heart you will and I'll always try to keep contact with all of you. When it comes to you guys, I feel like there's nothing else in my life that can take me away from you guys. Be happy, safe, and be yourselves. I'll come back, but I can't make any promises. I love all of the friends I have, which is Kelilah, Kayla Imai, Kayla Kepa, Aurilynn, Jadelynn, Marissa, Kyzer, Jewel, Kaitlyn, Caedes, Lorielle, Seizyan, Malachi, CarliRose, and finally.... nella. I love you all.

                                             - Love, Honesty Ayala

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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