"If i had screamed your name, it wasn't because of sex. As i said. I cant eat for 24hrs."

I began walking away as everyone looked at their captain confused.

However i made it to my room and the food didn't stay down.
I froze time at that point but his room wasn't the one i woke up in after the first time.

I began exploring till i did find the room. Then every thing came back. Omg do they remember?

??? POV. Flashbacks

I began walking down the corridor after my shift was finished to hear rustling in my room.

I began opening the door to a sight i didn't think I'd ever see.

"(y-" "Sweetheart don't be shy around *hiccup* me hehe~" "You are intoxicated

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"Sweetheart don't be shy around *hiccup* me hehe~"
"You are intoxicated. Lets get you to your room."
"Nooo. I don't *hiccup* wanna!"
"Right... You stay here I'll sleep in your. Room then."
"Drinkkkkk with meeee. Plleeeeasseeeeee~"
"I'll have a glass. Then you sleep."

I shared more than one glass i had about 3 then she got hungry and wanted a bowl of whipped cream.

I left her with it and went to her room and fell asleep rather quickly.

I woke up around 3 hours later and saw she got the cream over her legs, her face, my bedding.
What a bloody mess.

I left again and as i closed the door she must have woke because i heard her grunting.

"Shit.. What happened las-"
"Shit. Is this... Oh shit... Killer was right... Someone took advantage of me."

I swear to god this makes everything awkward. Whipped cream looks like sperm to her... Well shit.

As i passed the rookies i spoke.
"Don't let anyone in my room!"

The rookies stopped when they saw the girl leaving my room covered in whipped cream and looked at me horrified. Then of course the commanders and captain were stood behind me to make things even worse...

I had to explain to all of them what happened and made them promise they saw nothing. Its easier if everyone forgets and we wipe this under the rug. So we did.
We all hid it but she knew. However she decided to avoid the conversation on that matter anyways.

??? POV. Yesterday FLASHBACK

During this week (y/n) started acting differently. From killing anyone she meets to attempting to bed me.

She's followed me around everywhere when theres nobody to kill and on several occasions tried to tell me she loves me although i doubted every word...

Until she got me drunk and started explaining how she's my private brothel.
This is why i don't drink excessive amounts.

Your POV

Oh shit... I can't imagine what he felt. I literally... Oh shit.

I looked in the mirror to see myself as a monster.

I heard the door creak and i looked to the door of his room and saw him. He faced me as if nothing happened as tears silently rolled down my cheeks.

"(y/n) are you alright?"
"No. Im so sorry... I remember everything... From the whipped cream to yesterday. I am so sor-"

I didn't finish as his lips met mine and for a second i felt lightning go through my body.

"If you want forgiveness. Then fall in love with me. Ill wait."

But he left without an answer. He left as quickly as he appeared. While my fingers hovered gently over my lips.

His lips were soft, warm, gentle. For a moment that was the safest i had ever felt.

But it didn't last long until i heard a cannon shoot making me run on deck.


I walked over to law and as he looked at me i smirked.

"I want to smash your head in and watch you bleed to death with it being slow and agonising

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"I want to smash your head in and watch you bleed to death with it being slow and agonising."
"You love me too much. You know it. Look at me and say you don't."


"Can't say it. Ha! Like i thought. Come then. "

Everyone looked at me in horror as i dropped my most prized possessions my guns and walked to him dropping every physical weapon i had.
When i stood in front of him i gave him my murderous look.


No one knew what had happened except i had dismembered his head.
"Trafalgar Law. A talking head."

Everyone looked at me horrified as i picked his head up.

"Trafalgar D water law. I do not love you anymore. Nor do i seek any relationship with you... Ever!!"

I threw his parts onto the ship and mended him watching them flee immediately.

I felt a rough hand on my shoulder as of they were trying to break it.
" Had me scared for a minute shrimp. "
" Atleast he fell for it. "
" Your guns. You nearly dove into the sea for them. You wouldn't have left them."
"Exactly. If anything happens to them... Life won't be so. Good for me."

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