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Got tagged by these two people uwu

gothicbeyburst <- my first ever music buddy  (best person, dont thank me uwu)

BunnySquads <- this person I'd  like to be friends with :3

(Idk  how to do this but hhh ;-; I'll tag a few people)

Lunarasvil you're  just my best friendo, I love you :3

OtakuPotatooo you're  funny but get me mad :3

GayShitue I love your weirdness

Zenith_Extra heyyy sEnPaI :33 (kidding xD)

shidotakishi you're  cool but your attitude  gets me curious

Kara_livingston we barely even talk  ;3;

bxbybutterscotch same with  ya

TheHomosexualGhost barely know you xD

SkiesTheLimit13 haven't talked

Koko_Murasaki and welp we  just know each other

Kathycrazyworld2 welp you're  just someone I know

Nocloroxbleach we talked somewhere

animefan2048 I know youuuu  :3

JhullyMatos random stranger :3

Ceesha19 some random stranger too

Naruko7877 I'd see you everywhere  xD

Blaster__Burner you're  the funniest  and best person, I've met

user30311998 you're  chill :3

(That's all)

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