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Charlotte "Elizabeth"Thomas

Creepypasta name:Shattered Charlie

Sexuality: Bisexual

Disorders:Schizophrenia, sleep paralysis, depression,Tourette syndrome,PTSD

Backstory:She was a student at Harvard university, she brought her beloved mother along to see a project she was working on.Charlotte's project idea included to use the components of glass and turn into a cure for cancer, using mercury, hydraulic acid, Botulinum toxin A, Chlorine Trifluoride, Batrachotoxin, Carbon Monoxide, Ricin, and Asbestos.She let her ambitions get in the ah of her safety, she promised to herself to find a cure fo cancer so people don't have the same fate as her mother.The experiment went wrong, and explosion occurred at the laboratory.Charlotte's left cornea got damaged during the explosion,she survived, but her mother didn't.The ambulance came as fast as they could, but it was too late.Charlotte blamed herself for the death of her beloved mother, her sanity was draining from her mind, she was expelled from her school a day before graduation.She finally snapped, in the principal's office, she grabbed a broken test tube from accident and stabbed the principal's neck.She ran away,already lost the bit of sanity she had.

Crush: Ticci Toby (I HAVE A PROBLEM, OK?

Method of killing: She stabs her victims with glass and broken test tubes

Fun fact: She likes tot talk about science.

Weapons:Rusty machete

(when killing)Physical appearance:.She wear lab goggles on top of her head, a metal black gas mask.Dark brown hair either tied up in a high ponytail or let down.Has a blood stained lab coat.

(casual)Appearance:Wears a twenty one pilot t -shirt, gray leggings, sneakers with some white socks.

(author is too lazy to finish.)

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