Easter Morning

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"Okay here you go." Alice smiles, setting dye bowls down on paper towel.

"Thank you Alice." Ava smiles.

"You're welcome my love." Alice kisses Ava's head.


"What color should I do first?" Ava asks, picking up a boiled egg.

"Make me a blue one." Alice smiles.

"Okay." Ava says, placing the egg in the blue bowl.

"Remember, the longer it's in there the more color it absorbs." Alice says, as she walks over to the stove.

"I remember." Ava nods, picking up another egg.


Alice smiles at Ava over her shoulder. Then she goes back to cooking the Easter meal.


The sound of nails scratching the wood floors gets Ava's attention.

"Winnie!" Ava smiles happily.


Alice's German Shepherd Winter, wags her tail when she sees Ava.


"Morning sleepy girl." Alice says, as she stirs a few pots.


Ava climbs off her chair to kiss Winter's head.


Winter turns her head to lick Ava's face.


"Winnie." Ava giggles.


Winter walks over to Alice.


Ava climbs back onto her chair to continue coloring eggs.


Alice feels fur brush against her leg. She looks down to see her tan and black spotted cat brushing against her.


"Hi Boo." Alice smiles.


The cat looks up at Alice and closes her eyes.


"I love you too." Alice giggles.


A black cat jumps onto the counter, it meows loudly to get Alice's attention.


"Hi black kitty." Alice smiles.


The black cat leans towards Alice.


"I love you too Salem." Alice leans over and kisses the black cat's head.


"Daddy must be awake." Ava comments.

"I'd definitely say he is." Alice nods.


The front door opens as guests arrive.


Winter starts barking as she runs to greet them.


Alice smiles as she grabs something from the fridge.


"Amanda!" Ava smiles looking up.

"Hi baby!" Amanda smiles, running up to Ava for a hug.


Ava giggles as she hugs Amanda.


"Hey." Alice greets, as she sets out a veggie tray and a cheese plate.

"Hey, the old man up yet?" Amanda smiles.

"According to the animals he is." Alice nods.


Amanda takes a carrot and she turns around.


"Hey handsome." Amanda smiles.

"Uncle Chris!" Ava smiles.

"Hey Dorito." Alice giggles.

"Hello ladies." Chris smiles.


Amanda kisses Chris' cheek.


"Ava this is for you, and Alice this is for you." Chris hands out bags.

"My Easter basket!" Ava gasps.


Amanda giggles.


"Ah a Marvel bucket... Nice." Alice smiles.

"With Papa Clint on it." Amanda winks.


Alice shakes her head.


"So what can I help with?" Amanda asks.

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