Part 54

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Sorry not sorry for misleading you lad, but since no one seems to read my posts and have continued to ask when the next chapter will be out I thought I'd post it here too.PLEASE READ!!!!Hi guys! I'm alive (barely) Long-time no update. Alright here's what's going on, I have finished the plotline of SLA (which is all currently published). If you guys would like I can write a happy fluff chapter to tie off, I know many of you would like that. Or I can work on posting the first part of How it All Unfolded. What is How it All Unfolded? Well, good question. HIAU will be a precursor to SLA with all your favorite characters and even some fun new ones. As to what it's about, well I can't spill all my secrets in one day, but I promise you guys will love it. Comment or DM me to let me know what yall would prefer. As I am in college right now I can only focus on one thing outside of school work so its imperetive that yall tell me what you want.

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