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"One Tammy, just one." Tom begged. 

"I said no!" I scolded then slapped his hand aiming for a cookie. 

"You know it's fro her 'sweetheart'." Theo said, emphasizing the word sweetheart. 

"So?" I asked Theo while looking at him sharply. He just smiled. Oh Theo, what an adorable creature. 

"C'mon Tammy. Just one. Please." Tom asked again. So childish. 

"Okay! You really want a piece of this crunchy, scrumptious, mouth watering, and irresistible cookie that I baked?" I asked him with a big smile and huge eyes to make these cookies more tempting. 

"Ahh. A condition!" Oh Tom, don't be so stupid. 

"You know my dear brother, there are no more free nowadays. For now, bring in his place then I'll make some for you." then he smiled. "If this will make him happy." I added and smiled back. 

"How easy. Deal!" - pinky promise.

So, I went to the garage and hopped in his car and placed the jar of cookies in my lap. At that moment, Tom sit in front of the stirring wheel and rev in.


"I'm so sorry Tammy! I don't mean to. I am really sorry. Forgive me. Please. I promise, I will not do it again." Ashton said as he chases me as I walk out of his house. Then I stopped and faced him. At that instant, I slapped him in the face as hard as I could just to ease the pain I'm struggling with. Then I slapped him harder, again and again and again. I felt my hands turning red as his face did. I felt so bad for him but then I realized that he is too worthy for those slaps. "Oh. I'm sorry. I don't mean to. Oh I see! She is Courtney of course, who the hell would reject her? In fact, you suit her. She's the cheerleader, then you're the captain ball, she's the queen bee, you're her honey and this house is her bee hive. Am I right?" he shook his head for a no. "Damn Ashton! How long have you been doing this to me?" I said trying to calm my voice even if I wanted to shout since I saw them making out in his couch. Good thing that Courtney left after I saw them and gave Ash a goodbye kiss. Of course I have a key, he said that I should have it because I'm his girl. Well, not anymore. This is one of the reasons why I believed his lie that he loves me, and it shows that he never did. I just realized that I'm already crying when a teardrop fell in my arm. Ashton hugged me, but I pushed him away, thereupon, I faced Tom.

"I---I wanna go now. Please."I said. now I can't talk. It seems that my voices were all gone. Tom opened the car door and I entered.

"Tammy, wait!" Ashton shouted but I don't want to see him anymore. Tom closed the door and looked at Ashton, "Help me to get her back." Ash said. "You already have her, but you failed to keep her." Tom replied. Nice words from my little brother.

I literally stopped my tears from falling, but I can't. As soon as Tom parked his car, I immediately ran to my room, locked the door, and as much as I can, tried to not let anyone hear me cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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