Shooting stars and a 'Best Friend' | Sungjin

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Time was ticking by slowly. You had gotten back from exploring Seoul about an hour ago, just waiting for your best friend Sungjin to get back from practice. You had known him for years now, before he moved to Seoul and became famous. You were internet friends and eventually met up twice before the whole JYP thing. But now you were finally reunited although it was slightly hectic with his idol schedule. He had made sure you could enter and leave their dorm whenever you wanted, which resulted in you lounging and watching some tv.

Another hour had passed when you heard the door open. "Hey, I'm back!" You heard Sungjin yell out. "You better have missed me." He said with a smug tone in his voice. "Always." You replied laughing at the dork you've grown to adore. "I got something planned for tonight, so hopefully you aren't too tired." "I think I'll be fine." He never once entered the room during your conversation; nevertheless, you could hear him rummaging around his room and the hallway. "You ready?" He asked and finally poked his head into the room. "Let me just put my shoes on and I'll be ready."

Soon you both wandered out of their dorm and towards the entrance of the building. "So where are we going? And where are the others?" Your curiosity was slowly taking over. "It's a surprise." He said smiling down on you. You looked up at him and smiled back before replying. "But Sungjin..." You said, dragging out the "Sungjin". "Shush, just get in the car." He said and opened the door for you. He closed the door after you and threw the backpack he brought along in the back.

You sat back and decided to just enjoy the ride, although your curiosity was slowly getting the best of you. The silence between you was comfortable though, you were enjoying each other's presence and the music on the radio. Once you saw that you were leaving Seoul you couldn't keep quiet anymore. "So, are you going to tell me where we're going now?" You looked at him, his eyes fixated on the road. "Nope." He smiled. "Just wait and see." You sighed and looked back to the road, a soft sigh leaving your smiling lips. Sungjin subconsciously put his hand on your leg, making you blush. However, you didn't mind it one bit. The seemingly meaningless gesture had made you fall asleep within a matter of minutes.

"Wake up, we're here." Sungjin said as he softly shook your shoulder. "We are?" "Yes, we are sleepyhead." He laughed. You unbuckled your seatbelt and got out of the car. Looking around while stretching you wondered where you are. All you saw around you were trees, going down a slope. "Where are we?" He shrugged. "Just a place me and the guys stopped at once and it seemed like a good spot for what I have planned. Come on, we still need to walk 5 or so minutes." Sungjin swung the backpack over his shoulder and gestured for you to follow him. As you walked next to him, he placed his arm over your shoulder and pulled you a bit closer to him. "What do you have planned?" You asked emphasizing the "do". "You'll see in a few minutes."

"Here we are." Sungjin said as the both of you reached a clearing on top of a hill. He pulled a blanket out of the backpack and put it on the grass. "Will you tell me what this is now?" You asked as you sat down on the blanket. "Well, you once said that you've never seen a meteor shower before and there happens to be one tonight." You looked at him in shock. "Oh my god, you remembered that?" You said surprised. He lied down on the blanket and signalled for you to do the same. "If you're cold or anything, let me know. I brought extra blankets, some food and some drinks." "Oh uhm, thank you. I will." You said slightly in shock. You never expected this from Sungjin.

You both stared up at the night sky in silence. Your thoughts regularly drifted off to Sungjin. This is one of the cutest and most thoughtful things he ever did. Suddenly you felt him take your hand is his and give it a soft squeeze. You looked at him with a smile on your face and saw him already looking back at you. Sungjin looked back up at the sky and so did you. The shooting stars were gorgeous, but the one that just shot by with a greenish haze surrounding it has to be the prettiest. "Wow, did you just see that one?" Sungjin asked amazed. "It was gorgeous." You answered. "Did you make a wish?" He chuckled. "Of course, I did, what about you?" He stayed silent for a second. "No, I already have everything I want. A great career, loving friends and family and I get to spend this time with you." He said and looked at you. A faint blush crept up your cheeks, good thing it's dark you thought.

You both stared into each other's eyes for a bit before Sungjin turned on his side to properly face you. "May I?" He asked as his face inched closer, his hand placing a strand of your hair behind your ear. You nodded softly before you closed your eyes and your lips touched. After a few seconds he slowly pulled away. He turned around again and the both of you were gazing at the night sky again. Another shooting star flew by as Sungjin spoke. "So, what did you wish for?" It took you a second to comprehend his question and answer. You smiled and replied; "It already came true."

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