And yet im still afraid to let it flow

124 7 0

20 February 2017
Dean had nodded off, and when he woke up Sam was rapping at the door.
"Dean!" He shouted
"Dean, wake up and open the door, Iv found us a case"
Dean dragged himself out of bed and walked over to the Door. He glanced over to Cas who was still sleeping. Dean opened the door quietly and hushed Sam so that he didn't wake Cas.
"Just 10 minutes out, a couple found dead in the woods with their hearts ripped out" Sam paused "Werewolf?"
"Sounds like our kind of thing, ill grab my coat and write a note to Cas, just in case he wakes up" Dean scribbled something down and grabbed his duffle and jacket.

Bonjovi played in the car and the brothers sang along at the top of their voices. The impala raced along the country roads and when they reached the house of the victims they got out in their FBI suits and made their way to the door.
After some questions were asked and they went to see the coroner about the autopsy, they had a rough idea if where to look, and they found the werewolf responsible. We all know what happens then.

"I'm back Cas" Dean called from the doorway. "Cas?"
He wasn't asleep anymore, infact he wasn't in the room. Dean started to panic, he ran into the bathroom to check for Cas and found him hunched over sink with a bloody cloth in his hand, and the gash in his side had opened up again. He was clenching his eyes shut in pain as he dabbed away the blood and then turned as he noticed Dean.
"Oh, Cas, that looks bad, let me help" Dean stepped closer to Cas and held out a hand, Cas grabbed it and pulled Dean closer. Once he was up against Dean he leant his weight on him and Dean helped him back into the bedroom.
Dean tried to lean Cas back on the bed but their ankles became tangled and Dean fell with him. Dean landed on top of Cas with a thud and he squeaked as Deans elbow landed on his Wound.
"Oh god, im so sorry" Dean moved his arms to either side of Cas and lifted himself up onto his elbows. He had to put his legs on both sides of Cas's hips aswell. He stopped and realised he was straddling Cas, he stared down into his eyes, he had never stopped to notice how beautiful they were, at this moment they were filled with lust. 'what is going on right now!'
They both blinked it off and Dean 'dismounted' Cas and stepped back from the bed.
"Uh- Well- Yeah" Dean didn't know what to say, he was flustered.
Luckily Cas was oblivious to how akward the situation was "what?"
"Ah, nothing" Dean walked off and came back with the medical kit.
"This is gonna hurt" He said as he poured disinfectant on the gash, Cas reacted with a hiss of pain and Dean felt bad. Then he Sewed up the slash and wrapped it up again.
Sam came in at one point to check on Cas and to bring them food but he found both boys on their beds, fast asleep, so he left them alone and put the burgers on the table for them.
When Dean woke up he could smell the food before he even opened his eyes. He ate his burger and woke Cas up to give him his. After that they sat on their beds and talked, for hours actually. Just the two of them alone, it felt right and Dean was conflicted. 'i shouldn't feel like this should i?' At 10 Sam came in to say goodnight and Dean locked the door behind him.

"Hey, dean"
"Yeah Cas?"
"What was that all about earlier?"
Dean went red all over, he thought Cas hadn't picked up on it 'why did he wait until I locked the door to discuss this?'
"Oh- I - I just- I tripped- And- And" Dean was cut off when Cas said
"There is nothing to worry about, I was just- You had an incident"
"What do you mean?"
Cas looked down at Dean crotch.
"Oh- God- I didn't realise-"
"-Its ok Dean, it happens"
"Well it shouldn't, Cas I dont know whats going on with me"
Dean perched next to Cas on his bed, like he had the night before, and thought about how to say what he wanted to, or even if he should say it.
"What do you mean Dean?"
"Well it's just, recently, well I have had feelings.....they confuse me."
He looked so adorable and Dean wanted to kiss him in that moment but couldn't pluck up tge courage to.
'No! Dont think about him like that. YOUR STRAIGHT!'
Dean couldn't help himself anymore.
"You mean these kind?" Cas leaned in and pressed his lips firmly on Dean's. He was waiting for Dean to pull away, but he only deepened the Kiss.
Dean expected it to feel strange- he had never kissed someone with stubble- but it felt right. As Cas gripped the back of Dean's neck and the kiss grew in passion he started to panic, what if it lead to something more, he wasn't ready, he was scared, truly scared like he hadn't felt in a long time.
He pulled back and saw the disappointment in Cas' eyes.
"I'v got to..." With that Dean stood and practically ran out of the motel room.
He got into the Impala, without a second glance back, and sped off. Where? He had no idea, he just needed to get out.

'What the hell is going on? Do I like guys now? I never had an interest until Cas. What is it about him that makes me want to kiss him, to hold him and call him mine. This is crinjy. Please god, no chick flick moments.
What am I gonna say when I go back? Well I guess ill burn that bridge when I get to it.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora