Chapter One

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Elizabeth p.o.v.

I and my brother were the first to arrive in the school premises, then Eric, then Michael and then finally Nancy and Jay, we all hugged each other like we hadn't seen each other for years which would be true if we didn't meet the week before to get together.

We all went to the principal's office to get our classes from him, after that we left the office and stayed outside for a few minutes, Nancy and Michael had been given the science classes and Eric and I art, Jay and Daniel were art also but SS1.

We all had agreed to meet up in I and Eric's class during the long break.

"We have to be going now", Nancy said as she held Michael by his hand, I hugged her and Michael then they went to their classes. Jay and Daniel did the same so Eric and I were the ones left, I was scared and shaking and I noticed Eric looking at me smiling. "don't be scared Lizzy, nothing will happen, you won't get eaten" he said with a smug on his face which annoyed me but not for long, I don't usually admit this to him but I am unable to stay angry at this idiot for long. He was my best friend since primary school and even though we hadn't seen for long, the connection was still there. "Don't be an idiot", I said pushing him back.

We came down cause our class was on the ground floor, Eric and I had agreed that I'd enter the class first so that they wouldn't think I and him are in some kind of relationship. "This is totally idiotic and childish" He said,  but after some convincing from my part, he finally agreed and waited for me to go in first.

I entered the class, looking at the teacher who was writing what seemed to be a note, judging from the topic, I concluded that this was Civic Education. I met him and smiled, "who are you" He asked, I showed him my admission letter and told him that I was a new student, he smiled and told me welcome. He pointed me to an empty sit made for two people in the second row from the left.

I turned to go sit but for a moment I paused and I don't know what it was but for a moment there I couldn't walk, Why, I turned to see students not less than at least 30 in the class, for other students, this might have not been a problem but I was coming from a school that we were just six students in the class and believe me when I say, it was lovely not having many students.

This was clearly gonna be a different experience for me, I took a deep breath through my nose and let it out through my mouth, saying to myself "Elizabeth, you can do this, move!!!" I slowly walked to the sit with my one hand bag pack across my shoulder, I heard some murmurs as I walked even when I sat but I couldn't care less what a bunch of people who I haven't been introduced to thought kg me.

Few minutes later, Eric also walked in, showed the teacher his admission form and without waiting for him to point him to a seat, he walked towards me and sat on my seat. "Seatmate" I said to him smiling with almost all my teeth showing, he smiled back while dropping his back on the table.

It was break time now, and Michael and Nancy after buying their lunch came to our class but Daniel and Jay didn't, I concluded that they must have been busy. We all sat down and started eating, you see, Faith Academy was gonna be a challenge, this I knew from when I stepped into the class but when I saw my crew and how we were all laughing, I knew that whatever challenges that this new school brought, as far as I have my crew with me, it's gonna be a walk in the park.

Wow, wow, wow and wow. Even I when starting a new school get scared especially if the students are plenty, first days are usually cold for me.

Had this idea for a long time now, just decided to turn it into a book. I hope you enjoyed reading it

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