~The Decision~

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

The time has come... The time when I needed to make my decision, either to stay here and be their puppet for my whole life or if I'm going to leave and finally try to reach my dreams. Eversince I was young all I wanted to be was a lawyer, that was why when I got to be a model in Paris, I used that chance the study law as well. But now I needed to complete my study and that will only happen if I go back to Paris...

"Are you okay? You seem dazed" Mom asked, I realized that she was actually still with me inside my room. She was admiring me, love was found in her eyes as she also got worried when I suddenly became unresponsive.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about many things"

"You should enjoy the party, it's your day" She muttered... but I couldn't help but not to worry... I know what I'm going to do is a big decision that I will have to make..

A big decision where many people might not understand me but will be very meaningful for me. A big decision where I might get someone hurt, someone who had clearly expressed his feelings to me, someone that I had alresdy given a chance by spending that night with him... And now here I am, wanting to leave, wanting to reach my dreams that will surely break his heart...

I felt like a monster. A monster that is thinking only of herself, a selfish woman who already had given the man a chance to prove how much he loves her, giving him the thought that maybe they will be more in the future... but here I am, making a decision, wanting to leave him for all my selfish reasons... I shouldn't have given him the chance, I shouldn't have spent that night with him...

Because after everything we've done, I am planning to leave him...

A knock on the door brought me back to reality, both mom and I's attention turned to the door and found Angeline Tan, the stage director we hired for my party today, she was the head designer of the whole place and also was the one who helped us create Darren and I's dance for tonight. She smiled when she saw me and greeted me and my mom before walking towards us, carrying a notebook.

"Ms. Jasmine, I will just be informing you about the flow of the party"

"I'll see you later okay? You look so beautiful" Mom excused herself, getting up from the couch and heading towards the door. She looks really happy to see me today, she looks more excited because she didn't know what was going in my head, but sooner or later I know how much she's going to hate me...

"We will present you as you walk down from the stairs, Mr. Darren will be waiting for you and then you will dance with him. After the dance you will need to cut the cake and present a few speeches"

Few speeches means I will finally be revealing my decision, I talked to Angeline earlier to inform me about the flow of the party so that I will be able to calm myself and to make myself ready to tell everyone what my decision is... I still have a few more minutes... but I think I've already made my decision... I wouldn't back out.

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you later"

"Yes Ms. Jasmine, please get ready in 5"

Angeline left me inside the room to let me mentally prepair myself, once I realized that I was calm, I slowly walked towards the start of the stairs. Noises and applauses were heard and I immediately saw Darren waiting for me at the end of the staircase, he was wearing the white tux I picked for him and the purple tie that clearly matches my gown. His very wide smile makes me feel a bit weary, knowing that my decision will solely and purely affect him more than anyone else.

"And now, we present you, the birthday celebrant Ms. Jasmine Sun"

I slowly made my way downstairs and the first thing that greeted me was the bright lights that were all focused on me, good thing Darren was already at the end of the stairs and I was looking down due to the blinding lights. He stretched his arms, asking me for a dance, I slowly held his hand as he pulled my body closer to his.

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