Chapter 1

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Troian's POV:

Last night,Patrick and I had a night of drinking and love. Drunk, we crawled into bed. At 2 am, I noticed that he was gone. Alarmed, I looked around. His phone was still here and so was his keys. I grabbed his phone and checked his texts. One new message, it blinked. I checked the message. "It is that girl from his show, Suits." The text messages read:

Patrick: Babe I'll be over soon. Just gotta get Troian relaxed and asleep. Then I'll be over.

Girl: Okay. Hurry. And take a cab.

Patrick: coming over now.

"That liar! I said. I'm calling him now!

" Patrick! We are over. You've been cheating on me this whole time. It is over." I said.

" Whatever Troian! Keep the ring. I don't care. And by the way I never loved you anyway." Patrick nastily replied.

Holding back tears, I looked through my contacts, looking for someone to call over. The girls were out of town, and so was Marlene. Then I landed on his face. Keegan.

I slowly dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring. "Troian? What's up? Keegan said. " Hey Keegs, could I come over? I really need you right now." I said. "Sure Troian."

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