Chapter 13: alyssa

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When the sirens went off, we kicked into overdrive. We had been looking for a suitable car for about twenty minutes now, but none had the speed we wanted, they were all vans and sedans. "Holy shit," Blake finally said, "I just found the thing I'm gonna die in." i was just about to respond when I saw what he meant, there was a car with two huge energy wheels in he front with laser cannons hooked up to energy canisters through tubes mounted on the wheels. There was an energy canopy where three could fit and two smaller energy wheels on the back. Also, a fucking spoiler. "Well then," said nick, "allonsy!"

When we reached the car, Blake jumped in the drivers seat, nick took shotgun, and I sat in between them in the middle row. "Thank god there's no keys in the future," said Blake as he pushed the ignition button. The engine roared to life and Blake stepped on the gas. We pulled out and nick kept his eyes on the tracker. He kept telling Blake directions and I stole one look behind us, kind of a big mistake, we were being trailed by a dozen police cars. "Guys, we've got company," I said. Blake slowly increased speed until he couldn't put the pedal down any more. Just then the intercom sprung to life and Benjamin's voice echoed through the car, "car 1.5 we have visual contact with the target," "in normal language Ben," I replied, "ok," then he switched to his bro voice, "hey dudes, I see yo car bein trailed by like a billion cop cars, swag yo! Look, I see the weird van thing so keep following it yo, peace dawg!" And the intercom turned off, "well," said nick, "that was, something?" "Whatever, let's trail this van," I replied.

The chase continued on for a while and the police sirens still blared in the background, adrenaline coursed through my veins as we slowly closed in on the van. Then something happened, something bad. The van began to lift off the ground, great. The others saw this and we all turned and looked at each other, "shit!" We all yelled in unison, we were dead meat. We couldn't catch the van, but we couldn't stop or we'd be dragged back to prison, eventually, nick spoke up, "we made a good team guys, but there's no escaping this." My face clouded with worry, I put my head in my hands, "I can't go back there," I said, "that place was a hell hole." Nick nodded in agreement, but Blake just briefly looked at us, turned back to the rids, and stepped on the gas. "What the fuck are you doing!" I yelled over the sound of a fully working engine, but Blake was not stopping. Then we turned off to a ramp on the side of the road. "Blake!" Nick and I yelled, and a broad smile crossed his face as we lifted off. "You know what I love about futuristic tech?" Blake wisecracked, "the buttons," then he pushed a button and the front wheels turned to a slight slant and we heard the back wheels going the same thing. Then we swooped to the right, airborne.

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