"loving the bad and ignoring the good has become my habit"-Hermione Granger

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I was just reading the fifth chapter of  the"Fantastic Beasts and Where to find Them" when suddenly Parvati came running and informed me-"Hey Hermione,stop being a nerd! Your boyfriend,Mr.Ronald Wesley,is making out with Miss Lavender Brown." I mean, are you serious? You couldn't stop him from doing so, and you are coming to me to inform? JUST INFORM? Like a news channel? I had all these swimming in my mind and gave her a furious look."Parvati, you know what? You're totally a daughter of a bitch." Sayin' so, before she could say a single word, I left the library clutching the book under my armpit. I entered the Gryffindor common room and found, Lavender and Ron, snogging. I was the only third person there. I shouted..."Ron...STOP,RON JUST STOP", that's enough of you. "Shut your mouth,bitch.Won Won loves me,only me.Lavender broke her snog. "Will you just give a full stop to this damn name? Won Won, seriously? And Ron,look at her, she doesn't even know your name properly,man!" I continued within a breath. "Hermione, it's enough, okay? All your nuisance, are all...Just...Shit! ABSOLUTE SHIT!I love Lavender and she is my life. Whatever she calls me,it really doesn't matter. And if you've got all your doubts clear, please in the name of the last virgin on mother fucking earth, leave us alone!" "Ron...But..." I seized his arm,when,in the blink of an eye, he threw me with such a force that I fell with a loud thud. My lips pierced as the butterbeer bottle left beside me cracked. The book I was holding on to fell on the carpet.

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