Chapter 2: h

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You got awoken by you're 'mother' banging on the door harshly and
"It's only 5:00 she did that to annoy me dammit "

"What else did you expect,"

 said the wolf as you summoned her

"haha Onii-chan please don't let me forget to make lunch "

"Fine but only because you asked nicely and word of advice"

"don't talk aloud to us only though or if you release us then only allowed "

"that sounded more like a command but whatever Onnii-chan "

"It was meant that way knowing Onie-chan but y/n-kun please take the advice we don't need people thinking you are crazy "

"but am I technically I'm talking to myself right "

"well if you put it that way yes "

"I'm in the shower so make yourselves at home till I'm out k"

But instead, the wolve's proceeded to make the room cleaner and more organised than before placing clothes back in place neatening her desk not that it was that dirty but not that organised. About 5 minutes later you walk out fully in uniform and hair messily tied up in a long flowing ponytail

"wait wow this looks better than before thank you, sisters !"

"no problem just doing our part "

they said while running at you with mighty force but you stood still unafraid of them allowing them to return to their origin of the field's leaving the cleanroom for you

"Now don't mess our hard work up "

'I would not do that '

"you better not" 

you open your door and walk into the kitchen closing the door softly as you excite the now clean room


You said rather monotone compared to before,

"yes morning Kenpenki"

"now eat and leave child so we can go to work please"

spoke both returning your tone and your face emotionless from all the horrid memories they gave you and while you ate you're mind wondered from the silent table to how your quirk gave you the light you were looking for and maybe just a little bit of hope, made lunch thanks to your sisters reminder and left walking down the road near your property talking, in your head, to your sister and they were the only things alive that made you laugh smile and feel well human

'this is the school gate so let's go as a family ready?

"Always and forever"



   As you walk in you see student's eyes are instantly on you with your weird appearance as it's not every day you see a tall, busty, in shape girl with ears, a tail and hair that is pure matt black with silvery white tips and highlights with eyes that are opposite each other one with matt black on the top and silver on the bottom the other eye opposite. You were interesting and attractive, to say the least.

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