Black Saturday 2019

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As human beings we tend to look to places where we feel belonged and loved. Yes, it's a given fact since we are social beings. As the saying goes No man is an island. Because of this need to belong we tend to go into directions we never thought we would go. As long as we find people, we felt welcome and we felt belonging Ness, all is well. Sometimes we got better but most of the time we lost ourselves in finding that place we think we belong.

We fear being alone. I fear that too. I envied couples especially married ones. They surely got their company as they face old age. Maybe not their partner but they got children. As my age grow in number, that fear gets stronger. It even came to a point that I considered hiring or asking one of my friends to bear a child with me. No strings attached. Yeah that crazy. Good thing I never got the courage to ask a friend about that.

I'm on my stage of life where I am looking for that someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with. If marriage is really for me I would gladly embrace it. But if it is otherwise, who am I to complain? God knows what's best for me. Whatever it will be, I know He had it covered in silver and gold.


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