Lines Project!

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Heyy there! It's Blue, so on my other account I had an Avengers Oneshot book, check it out if you dare. So I got a request when I did the lines project back in December that I should write this, it's looong over due. I am so sorry but non-the-less here it is!

Trigger Warnings on Mental Health!



Peter woke up looking over at his alarm clock, even though it was a Saturday he immediately rushed over to his desk pulling out the acrylic paint markers he bought a week ago. He painted 8 coloured lines on his arm.

-Red (self harm)

-Orange (anxiety)

-Green (bullied previously/currently)

-Blue (depression)

-Purple (LGBTQA+)

-Cyan (anxiety/panic attacks)

-Grey (lost someone to suicide)

-Black (considered/attempted suicide)

He got dressed into his normal attire, science pun shirt under a sweater, he didn't really want the Avengers to see. He didn't want to worry them, he did it for support if someone needs to know that someone else has and still is going through a rough area. He walked into the living room and froze, he saw all the Avengers with coloured lines on their wrists. "Hey guys! Whats uh with the coloured lines" Peter said "Oh it's this thing called the lines project, have you heard of it before" Wanda said "Yeah, I-uh-am actually participating in it.." Peter said, "well why do have that sweater on?" Steve asked, "Well I uh, it was cold, I'll go take it off" Peter said, walking back towards his room, yanking his jumper off. He walked back into the living room and found the Avengers all sitting quite quietly, "Hey Pete, so we've decided that it would be pretty good if we explained why we have each line to each other come sit." Tony said, patting an empty spot on the couch next to him. Peter hesitated but decided to join them anyway. 

(ok so I'm going to explain briefly on why they all have the lines cause otherwise it'll be soooooo long!


-Green (Bullied Previously/Currently)

I used to be bullied, always getting picked on by bigger guys. 

-Purple (LGBTQA+)

"Obviously I'm like super gay!" Steve holds Bucky's hand.


-Blue (Depression) 

-Cyan (Panic/Anxiety Attacks)

-Black (Considered/Attempted Suicide)

Obviously because of what happened to give me this metal arm. 

And I've only ever considered suicide I've never actually attempted.

-Purple (LGBTQA+) 

And yeah, Steve. 


-Orange (anxiety)

-Cyan (Panic/Anxiety Attacks)

-Black (Considered/Attempted Suicide)

Because of the incident with Loki taking over his mind, he just is scared that it'll happen again, he doesn't trust himself anymore.

He tried to commit suicide when he felt off one day, scared that Loki was trying to take over his mind. Natasha was the one who stopped him. 

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