Truth Be Told

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Truth be told being sadd comes easy.

Being happy might just take some effort.

You know esspecially now in days ppl are more sadd then happy.

If someone dies someone crys.

if someone laughs you might laugh because its a contious reaction.

Sometimes you might be the only one who is not laughing because you yourself do not persay find it funny,but that is okay because it is a free country.

It may take a while to love something and that could be a few reasons.

one:You have to get used to it.

You dont know what to do your new in town.

Sometimes you just feel like you were ment to love somethings so much,so greatly.

Truth be told what they say which is a fact.

You dont relize what you got until you lose it.

If you dont think clearly you could forget something so important that it could possibly in some cases change your lifr completly maybe even all of it.

So keep in mind watch your surroundings.

Keep an open eye.

Hold on to what you have and never let go.

Apperciate what you have because you may never get such a great opptunity again.

Love what comes your way as long as its good.

Truth be told try to live happy.

And take everyday as a blessing wether on a good day or a bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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