Chapter 2 - Bonding Moments (Super and Ally)

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This is it for a day or two


"Doctor?" Super turned, "Is she well enough to walk?"

Kate smiled, "Yes."

Ally nodded as Super pulled her out of the bed and to the transporter room.

"Beam us down," Super ordered. The ensign nodded and charged the transporter.

--- on Vulcan ---

"Why are we down here?" Ally asked. Super breathed heavily, not used to the thick and hot Vulcan air. She managed to say, "Because." As Ally shoved a needle in the side of her neck. "That should help for compensating the thicker air," Ally explained.

"Know any cool spots?" Super asked.

"Vulcan is about one temperature around the planet, though -- ," Ally started but was cut off.

"I mean cool like... Fascinating," Super laughed.

"I will take you to to the top of Mt.Seleya near Sh'ial!" Ally encouraged as she put on some rocket boots. Super put hers on as well.

"Did I ever tell you..." Super started chuckling a little, "I have never ever been in rocket boots before."

"Ooh," Ally inhaled sharply. "Well, no better time to learn."

They flew, Super laying on Ally most of the time until they reached the bottom of the mountain.

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