The Wrong Wife: Beauty Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Annabelle looked at her feet, her emotions running wild at the predicament that she was now facing. It was very clear to her now that Colton hated her. Annabelle knew this to be true, without a doubt. How could he not hate her? It seemed ludicrous that someone of his status, someone as handsome as he, could love a beast like her.

Kindness can defeat any disability.
Annabelle closed her eyes, trying to contain the tears that were threatening to fall, she could feel the last of her resolve the last ounce of hope that she had left in her mothers words, ripping to shreds
and setting themselves free from her heart.

Belle had always believed in her mother, in her mothers words, but in this moment... In this situation, Belle only knew one thing.

She could never be loved.

A beast could not become a beauty and no matter how hard she tried, how strong she was, she would always be the outcast, a nobody.
Kindness can defeat any disability.
Belle became numb at the sudden realization of her epiphany. She had always wholeheartedly believed that there was kindness in the world and surely someone would be able to see past her flaws and see her for her heart.

Clearly this someone was not Colton Abbey.

"You lied," Colten hissed.

The three of them, Riley, Colton, and herself were seated in the privacy of Colton's living room. The tension in the air was petrifying and Belle was terrified to even open her mouth, she didn't want to anger him any further then she already had.

"You walked down the aisle under the persona of your sister, when in reality it was you." Belle flinched at the ferocity in his voice.

Colton had every right to be angry, Belle knew that, but some small part of her wished, hoped, that he would go down on one knee and claim his undying love for her. It was a hopeless dream, but just because she wasn't pretty didn't mean she didn't have the right to dream.

She was a woman too, even if she was hideous.

"Colton, I think we should let Miss McHendricks tell her side of the story." Riley said calmly, his face a serene mask of authority.

Colton glared at him and Belle was sure that if looks could kill, he would be writhing on the floor in agony. "She doesn't deserve to speak, she deserves to be on the receiving end of my wrath. She put herself in this situation, she gets to deal with the consequences."

Belle looked at him, her heart aching. He was right of course, she had indeed put herself in this situation and she deserved every consequence that was to come. But, what Belle didn't quite understand, was why she didn't deserve to speak. Was she that horrible?


"It's alright, Riley." Annabelle cut him off, her voice no more then a whisper.

"Let him release his anger. I put myself in this situation, I deserve to be treated as he sees fit."

Colton turned his viscous glare in her direction and rose from the couch that he was seated on, his quick steps bringing him closer to her seated form. "Yes, you do deserve to be treated as I see fit, considering I'm the victim in this situation."

Annabelle looked at him, swallowing the knot in her throat as she tried to appear unphased by his ever growing anger. "I'm sorry."

"Is that all you can say?"

"What would you like me to say?" Annabelle challenged, standing to her feet slowly. She was inches away from Colton, her bare feet touching his.

Colton glanced at their feet and then back at her, his eyes hardening and unwavering. "I want you to explain to me why my wife isn't your sister, but you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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