Chapter 2: Meeting the Family

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As Larry led Gwen to the left wing, they were approached by the Neanderthals. Their whooping and hollering made Gwen use Larry as a human shield.

"Guys, guys," Larry waved his hands at the ape men, "Chill out. This is the new night guard that I've been telling you about." Not that Larry had told the exhibits specifically about Gwen, and not that the Neanderthals understood, but he had mentioned his parting to them. Of course, no one wanted to see him go. They owed him so much for treating them differently than the previous night guards and had brought them all together. He had promised he would come visit them as much as he could; and at night if he could. "You need to listen to her now. She's in charge around here, alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Hey, guys," Gwen said, coming out from behind Larry. "It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand and regretted it. The Neanderthals first looked at it but then reached at it at the same time and were all trying to shake it in different directions. Gwen was sure her arm was coming out of her socket. She screamed.

"Guys!" Larry scolded.

"LARRY!" Gwen shouted, trying to get free. Larry pulled them off one by one and wagged his finger at the trio.

"No! Bad! You guys could have easily torn her arm off," he said. The ape men let out deep "awws" as they knew they had done something wrong. "Now, go on." Larry motioned toward the main room and they all hopped away with their grunts and shouts fading as they went. Larry noticed Gwen rubbing her shoulder. He asked, "You OK?"

"Yeah," she said. "Rough bunch, there."

"They're usually better behaved. They probably just need to get used to you."

"Mm hmm," Gwen murmured.

"Come on," Larry turned her back to the direction they were going before their interruption. "I still owe you an explanation." She continued to follow him. They were back at the entrance of Ahkmenrah's tomb.

"No!" Gwen stopped in her tracks. "Not the mummy, too!"

"It's fine," he said as he tried to reach for her. She backed up more.

"No, Larry!"


She turned to run, but he grabbed her waist trying to pull her closer to the doorway. She squirmed with sharp movements, hoping to catch Larry off balance. He wasn't giving up. Ahkmenrah then came into the hall.

"Larry?" he asked. Both Larry and Gwen stopped struggling and looked toward the perplexed pharaoh.

"Oh," Larry began, "Hey, Ahk." He let go of Gwen and waited for her reaction.

"Wait..." she said. "This is the mummy?" Her first diagnosis was that he was full skin and flesh and not deteriorated in the slightest.

Larry nodded, "Yep. That's him." Ahkmenrah tried to smile at her but was still trying to figure out what he had just walked into.

"So, you're telling me," she said, walking past Ahkmenrah and into the tomb with a sudden wave of courage, "That if I look in the sarcophagus, that nothing will be—AAH!" She ran back into the hall after seeing the movement from the enormous jackal-headed statues. "What are those things?!"

"They are my guardians," Ahkmenrah said. "Anubis."

"So, Ahk," Larry said, brushing off Gwen's fear episode once again, "This is Gwen who will be replacing me. And, Gwen, this is the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah." Ahk now understood the struggle he had witnessed and smiled at her.

The New Night Guard: A Night at the Museum FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now