Chapter One

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© 2014 Nicole Fuchs

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Chapter One

Captain Eirik Askelson of Valdar stood back and watched by the light of the waning gibbous moon as his troops invaded the small town before them. He wore a slight smirk on his lips, never expecting to get this far north into the realm of Caldon. His company hailed from Valdar, to the south, a people known for their brute strength, fierce temperament, and victories in battle. For the past eleven years, Valdar had been on a mission to conquer Caldon, and for many years still before that, they had lain in wait for the right moment to pounce on their enemy. Now was their time, Eirik would see to that.

The previous commander had fallen in battle not three weeks ago and the young captain felt the blow personally – that man was his father, Askel. Respected as well as feared, his father motivated troops effortlessly and conquered all in his path, a true warrior of Valdar. King Hosvir scrambled to find another who would replace his most trusted fallen leader.

Forced as he was to take up his father's position at his current age of five and twenty, Eirik had to admit that he greatly desired to be in charge. He had been trained for this position since birth and was ready to prove himself a fierce and worthy leader.

Eirik inhaled the cool autumn air, his head held high. Everything was going according to plan; his company of two hundred well-trained, good soldiers ran from house to house, plundering what valuables they could find inside and taking prisoners before setting a fire to the thatch roofs. The fire caught and spread easily with all the houses being relatively close together, and the only building they might have foreseeable trouble with was the stone church in the center, but Eirik did not blink. His men were more than capable of taking the small community.

He spoke strategy with his second in command as well as friend, Rolf, before stepping back and letting him take over. He once again surveyed from his vantage point atop a small hill overlooking the town, and happened to look to the right. He motioned Rolf over and asked him, "Has anyone been to that house yet?" It stood a ways away from the others, and looked to be a farmer's home with fields of crops surrounding the property.

Rolf saw what Eirik was pointing out and shook his head, some of his dirty blonde hair falling from the tie at the back of his neck. "Not that I know of, sir."

Eirik grabbed his large battle-ax from where it sat, unused thus far tonight, and started toward the small house that was separate from the others. He trusted Rolf to the simple task of finishing the raid.

The walk was a surprising distance, but for a soldier who had done nothing but walk since he left home, it was insignificant. He surveyed the grounds and listened carefully, but it seemed that the occupants had not even noticed that he and his men were destroying their town.

In true Valdarian fashion, Eirik took a deep breath before kicking the wooden door down and off its hinges. There was a small, open living space, and he assumed the two other doors led to bedrooms. Not a sound came from the inside of the home, but he was experienced enough to know that did not necessarily mean nobody was home. He stayed quiet, his unusual green eyes taking in his surroundings. After minutes of no movement, he decided it was safe to look around and at least see what he could loot from here.

He did not find much. The only thing of any value at all really was a necklace, obviously meant for a woman, taken from a small jewelry box in the corner of the room. He retreated out of the house, and noticed a barn that was really no more than a shed. He headed that way and inspected, hoping to find a horse or some cattle.

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