Mr.Kapoor-I got it fine..under which name u gna work in r company?

Khushi-by d name of Krusha Mehra

Mr.kapoor-okay(he smiles) welcome krusha mehra..

After few days'company gets n project for which a responsible employee needed to b hired

Mr.Kapoor having no second thought hiers khushi for it..

Khushi bit nervous after her selection as it biggest deal for company..through dis project

Bt Mr.kapoor encourages her dis is d tym to prove ur self n make ur own identity

Finally she gets d confidence n agrees

Mr.kapoor says dis is d partnership project u need to leave for delhi tomorrow..n u wil cum to know d partner's name at delhi itself,n khushi I hav lots of hope on u..

Khushi agrees..den khushi leaves for delhi..

Khushi reaches delhi,address given by mr.kapoor was R industries'

Khushi reaches d address'

As soon as she enters d industry she feels a beautiful breeze crossing thru her'

She ask d employes abt d boss..n employee shows d way..

She enters d cabin..n she meets d boss'

Its Shyam Raizada..

Khushi-hello sir m krusha mehra, I have came from lucknow..hired for d project

Shyam(as soon as he sees her gets fascinated by her beauty after sumtym he cum out of trances)-oh hi hav a seat

Khushi sits..

Shyam-wel I hav to go to fix a deal in per I wil nt b here my younger brother wil looking out for d project,so I guess u shud meet him n start out d work as soon as possible okay? wer is he'?

Shyam-he must b looking out for d machine's reading in d industry..u watch out d industry..n wil find him der'

Soo khushi gazing out d industry xcited abt d new project'as looking for d industry she dashes with d person who holds her from falling down bt in dis case..all d file paper of d person falls down'so he drops khushi n yells at her

Cn't u see while walking?

Khushi's hair cums intact..after settling d hair away from her face'she is in d thunder shock to c d face..its none other den Arnav singh raizada favoured out with more hunky looks n wt remain common in him is his spectes

Khushi(was mesmerizing his looks n den in a low voice juz audible to her)-specky'

While'.d twist is dat arnav cud nt recognize per said u..khushi hav totally changed..n nw she is evn working under a different name..

Arnav-hello girl m talking to u'come out frm ur trances,wt d hel r u duin here?

Khushi surprised by his behaviour..he was nt her specky anymore ,he turned out in d same lifless  Arnav Singh Raizada whom she met on d first day of d college

Khushi stammers'..while introducing herself

Khushi-I am..khu'khu'(arnav for a moment was keen to hear d completion of her name)

Arnav-khu'wt?(anxiously looking at her)

Khushi(swallowed her hesitation)-I m krusha mehra..she sighed after saying dat..

Evn arnav sighed..oh wt r u duin here?

Khushi-I hav been hired as d partner of d new deal project m came frm kapoor industries..

Arnav-oh!mrs.krusha,let me clear out one thing I want total concentration on dis project..if any mistakes in dis project ur company wil hav to pay for it..n next tym dn't disturb a man who is engrossed in his work'look out while walking..n leaves..stammping out her duppata

Khushi cudn't believe d change in arnav'she was in total shock'she wanted to back out frm dis project as per arnav is been hired with her n she dn't want anytym to get low in front of him..n vomit out d real she remembers kapoor's uncle's believe on her dat he hav lots of hope from she tighten's her emotions n decides to work for her company

She was looking out on project layouts..soon der a small boy comes with a tea


Khushi-thanx boy

Boy- I hav heared ur new here..n gna accompany with Arnav Singh Raizada

Khushi(gulped out)-yes

Boy-madam let me warn u.firstly he needs perfection in his Every work..he tries to stay away from he feels dat dey r big destruction in d way of success

Khushi after listening dis feels dat history has been piled up again

Khushi-n wt do you knw abt him I mean family he is married right?

Boy-no madam he is not married yet bt yes he is having a gf..named lavanya,he trust only three gals in his life his mother,sister n gf..he dn't mock wit other gals..infact he juz tries to insult dem,I feel as per no joy is attached to him he always wants to b engaged in his dis six years I hav nt  seen him smiling even'madam ur new here dat's y I warned ur each step with n 100thoughts otherwise ur life ova here wud b hell(after saying dis d boy leaves)

Khushi in anger binds her fists n hits hard on d table n cries-its juz me,n only me'wt hav i dne to my specky,I left him so dat he wud lead his life happy wit lavanya bt no it al backfired'she regrets all d act she hav I shud hav dne dat..i hav snatched all d joy of his life..y y did I did dis to him?????.she den wipes her tears n says fate challenging me again..fine'I wil bring  d specky from arnav ..widout revealing my identity'he  wil surely smile  n persue all d joy's of his life'..i wil surely mend him d joy world'I promise my self'

Wil khushi prove right to her promise??wil she succeed in bringing back her specky from arnav?

Arshi FF Friendship to loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora