It's a lunch tym nw..khushi in canteen..she sees arnav having coffee..

She thinks-wt wil I do by hating him,m here to enjoy.make frnz n she goes n sits besides arnav

Bt arnav is peeped in a book'.he does nt notice khushi sitting besides him'until she calls him out

Khushi-hey hi specky.hwz u nw?

Arnav-wt d hel u wnt nw?,came again to distract me?

Khushi-no actually I came to say tu sorry..

Arnav-sorry??????bt interested in ur sorries plz move I wna concentrate on ma studies n ur wasting my tym

Khushi-mr.specky  der is a world besides ur books..

Arnav-yah der is  bt for u nt for aims r everything for me',n u stop distracting me again gals like u'r juz made for distraction'so get lost n lemme comcentrate

Khushi-wt????i came here to make friendship wit u..n u again started defining me n my character..u n ur arrogance my foot

Khushi leaves wit n anger

Next morning

Khushi is entering..

Khushi-I wish I dn't c dat specky's face againg God hw can a person b so rude n hold so much of attitude??his arrogance let him s**k

Some guys commenting on khushi'-look at her hw stupid she looks..
khushi listens dis n goes forward to answer

Khushi-my friend she keep her hand on his shoulder thank you very much commenting abt me bcz dat places me different from other gals'n dat's unique abt me..God hav made me such..dat dey atleast comment abt wt abt u??do any1 even notices u?

Guy-m sorry

Khushi-no need frnz she smiles'd guy shakes hand'.

In very small tym'khushi hav lots frnz'bt only she cud nt achieve d frndship is of arnav..

Who always tries to avoid her n hates her for unknowm reason everytym wen she meets him he keeps on insulting her'bt khushi never felt bad abt his words as she was used to it..

Soon in college..der was a project hired..between seniors n juniors'

N arnav's partner was been selected as khushi

Arnav(dammit)-d hell every tym u  get stuck to me'i need to change my partner right nw..

Arnav goes to lecturer..

Arnav-sir I wna change my partner

Lec-no u cannot as all d partners r finalise

Arnav-bt sir I cannot work with dis gal

Lec-it imp project for u,ur internal  marks r on based dis

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