You go to get up but putting your hand down makes you cry out. Your hand now feels like it's on fire and when you look down all you see is blood. You look up and you see Archer and Saber fighting the attacker.

They seem to be working together just fine. First Archer goes for The first hit but she blocks and turn around just in time to block Saber's hit.

You put your shield that goes around them like a second skin on both of them. The attacker sends a attack toward Saber but your shield reflects it.

It doesn't take long for Archer and Saber to get the upper hand. Soon their slashing from left to right and you The other girl can't seem to take it.

You look closer at the attacker. Long purple hair along with a mask of some sort. She steps back. “Archer” you call out.

Archer glares at the purple haired girl as she retreats. He turns to you grabbing your arm carefully and looking at it. It slowly heals but blood is still all over the place.

You look over to see Saber helping Mari off the ground. You wipe the blood off on you shirt and you start to walk back home.

Twice now someone has attacked while you were out training. You began to think of a way to be able to still go work. You can't just leave work you won't be able to pay for everything.

Once home you look down at your shirt to see it bloody and somewhat ripped. You sigh as you really happened to like this shirt.

You change once your in your room and that when you remember of your spell that you had made. You go to your study and you see the blood still fresh somehow with the gem in it.

Your book is still open beside it and so you do as it says. “Take the gem out of the blood and draw the design.” You huff as you get the gem and draw the design.

It stings for a second before you feel a tingle and the blood then somehow sets.

You try to wipe it but it's almost like a tattoo. You look toward the door to find Archer there as well. You smile and point toward the chair.

He sits down without question and so you take the syringe from earlier. He gives you a look you just smile. You take a bit of blood and get a clean gem you dip it the blood and you make the same design.

After a few seconds you attempt to wipe it but like yours it stays on. “Yosh” you say.

“What was that for?” He asks “It's like a detection system. If some gets close to the house it will alarm you in a way.” He nods.

He get up and says “That's not the reason why I came. Dinner is ready go eat.” You smile and nod. You head to the door. But something makes you turn around and you give a hug to Archer.

He hugs back with no hesitation. You smile and you pull him down to kiss his cheek. With that you leave the room.

Heading down the stairs you hear movement in the dining area. You head there and you see Saber in regular clothes and Mari. Their both eating.

A plate is in your usual seat, still steaming. You smile and you take a seat and you begin to eat. Its silent apart from the chewing but all 3 of you seem to be invested into your food.

Mari is the last one done she smiles. “He'd make a good house wife.” She says. You smile and nod. “He not only cooks but he clean. He denies that he likes to clean but it obvious.”

Mari laugh and Saber chuckles. You smile but then you feel the familiar presence behind you. You sweatdrop as you turn around.

You see Archer looking at you with an amused look. “Hey. We were just talking about you” Mari says. You kick her from underneath the table.

She kicks you back. You smile at him. He smiles while shaking his head and taking up the plates. “I love you” you say. In a joking manner but you still mean it.

Archer only smiles and ruffles your hair. You pout as your hair is now in strange angles. Archer disappears in the kitchen and Mari turns to you with a smile on her face.

“Are you happy?” She asks you nod your head. “Then I'm happy as well”

“Hope you don't mind but i've given him the talk. He hurt you I hurt him.” Mari holds up her fist. You chuckle as you shake your head.

You 3 talk for a longer amount of time. You see Saber slowly relaxing around you. She opens up more and more telling you about her time with Mari.

You begin to tell some stories of Mari of when you had just started to work there. “It couldn't get the hang of things of thing and Mari was there even if she did have to do extra.”

Archer comes from the kitchen and sits down and starts to listen to the stories as well. That is until Mari starts talking about that one drunk guy that came in about a year ago.

“It was almost time to close me and Y/n were the last ones there like always. We were setting up the tables when a guy slams the door open and yells “Honey I'm home” I go to grab the broom to smack him out but he straight out pases out and hits him self on a table.”

You cringe at the memory. She continues. “Were both frozen until we start to hear him snoring. We both sigh in relief. We both take a arm and we start to drag him out. As we drag him out he wakes up and throws up first on the ground.” She looks at you and a grin.

“Then on Y/n.” You shiver when you remember that. She burst out laughing. You see Saber holding in her laughter and Archer smiles while chuckling.

You feel the mark on your arm start to burn slightly. You look at it and so Archer stand up and leaves. You guess he felt it too.

“He must really trust and love you” Saber suddenly speaks out. You look at her. Confusion written all over your face.

“After the war we disappear. We can stay for a while but not forever. He must trust you to make that wish. You should see the look he gives you it looks like if he could give you the world he would.”

Saber smiles while saying this. You look out the window. A nudge underneath the table make you look at Mari. “Go” is all she says you get up and go towards the outside.

Archer is on the roof looking out. He turns to you when he hears your footsteps you go towards him and you hug him again. Again with no hesitation he hugs back.

You smile a goofy smile as you and Archer stay in a embrace. Seconds turn to minutes as time seems to freeze in a cliche way.

“I love you” you say, this time in only a serious tone. He hums slightly and pulls you closer. “I love you” he says back. You can't help the giant grin that plasters on your face.

You start to feel your eyes droop as you start to struggle to stay awake. Archer sees this and picks you up. You close your eyes as the feeling that you always feel around Archer settles in.

You feel safe, protected and loved.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Byeee byeeee

The Impossible and the FakerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora