LOveteam pageant??0.0

71 3 6

uhmmmm.... sorry sir.... I was just amazed by her beauty----Vince



He's not serious right??!!

wth?! he's smiling like crazy ^___________^

excuse me but if many girls fall crazy for that devilish smile... well...I DON'T..!!

I think we have a new loveteam here guys!!

maybe you should join our best loveteam for this school year=---prof.

WHAT!! NO!! no,no and NO!!! nobody can force me to do that!!! I hate beauty pageants!!

Look where this guy has gotten me into!!!

I will register you two now.... actually you look great together... OKay class dissmissed!!

I have to talk to prof NOW!!

uhmmm... prof??--me

yes, can I help you miss?---prof.

Sir can you not join us at that contest... please....-----me

why? you two look great----prof

no,..uhmm...sir..--- I began

"nope sir, what she means is that she's just nervous for this pageant...---- Vince...

what1! you kidding me???!!!

 I glared at him, he just smiled that crazy smile girls swoon over....

okay I guess there's no problem here then?---- prof

NOPE!! we're just a little nervous.. that's all!!----VINCE

URGGHHH!!! God, I hate dis guy....

-------out prof.---------

And who do you think you are to speak for me?! huh????------GRACE


And who do you think you are to speak for me?! huh????------GRACE

nothing...... I'm just your admirer -----me

what? why? it just slipped from my tongue... oh great ... what is her reaction now.... JUst stpid Vince....


nothin'----wheww.. hpe she didn't hear that one.

Grace's POV

nothing...... I'm just your admirer ----him

huh 0.o???

"what?"---me... peace guys i just wanna make sure... don't assume that the jock is falling for a nerd...


oooookaaaayyy maybe I was just having symptoms of being deaf.. hah!! right!! me being deaf... just    stupid!! I DON'T EVEN WEAR HEADSETS... to prevent my ears from damage.. and here i am thinking that i'm deaf.....yeah maybe... he couldn't like me... CUZ I DON'T LIKE HIM EITHER!!!

(a/n defensive much ^_^v)

shut up author... if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be stuck with this guuy!!!!

(a/n if it wasn't for me... you wouldn't have 88 reads... :P..... btw thx guys for reading)

okayy!!! we are not getting anywhere.... I should study.. byeee!!

(a/n NERD!!! quit studying!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2012 ⏰

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