A Better Day?

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It was the next morning and they were still asleep. they didn't have school today so they stayed in their dorm. This is gonna be amazing.

Tsu's pov   

I woke up in Urarakas room. I look over to my side to see her cuddled up to me. I kiss her on the fore head and quietly get out of bed trying not to wake her. I go out of the room and back to mine. I got dressed and redid my hair. I went to make breakfast. just as I finished I saw  Uraraka walking out of her room. "hey Tsu!" she said " oh hey Uraraka!, I made breakfast" I said. she went over to the table and sat down and we both ate breakfast. after breakfast I talked to Uraraka and asked if she wanted to go to the park. she said yes so we got ready and left. we were walking down the street almost to the park when we see Toderoki and Deku.

Urarakas pov  

Me and Tsu were walking to the park. we were having a great time laughing and talking. it was an amazing day until we saw Deku and Toderoki... I started to tear up as all the memories of yesterday flooded back. Tsu must have noticed because she asked "what's wrong?" I didn't answer because I wasn't paying attention. Deku looked over at us. "hi Tsu, hi Uraraka!" he said. I wasn't about to talk to him, no I couldn't talk to him. I would've broke down crying. I grabbed Tsu by the wrist and began running to the park. once we got there I began to cry. Tsu just hugged me. after 5 minutes of me crying she finally spoke. "what's wrong" I heard Tsu ask. I finally told her everything that happened. I told her what I was going to tell Deku and what I saw. she looked me in the eyes with a sympathetic look on her face. she told me everything would be ok. that's what makes her such a great friend is that she does anything she can to help her friends out. I think I might just have a crush on her...

Third person POV

The two girls then left the park. Suddenly Tsu grabbed Urarakas hand, they both blushed. Eventually they both got back to the dorm. They sat down on the couch and watched some TV. Tsu laid her head on Urarakas shoulder and eventually fell asleep. Uraraka blushed at this but continued watching TV. when the movie was over Uraraka slowly picked Tsu up and placed her in her room to sleep.  Uraraka tucked her in and left the room. Uraraka got herself ready for bed while it was 9:47 and sat on her bed. she took out her laptop and played some games until she fell asleep.

tsuyu asui x ochaco urarakaWhere stories live. Discover now