Chapter 3 ;)

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In a small town, a cheerful pink haired girl walking around looking at the variety of fruits and vegetables around. I wonder why she's not at the meeting...

Sagittarius always hated being in the small meeting room with nothing to do. So, the only logical thing was to ditch it. Of course she would go if there's an important mission coming up, but other than that she didn't bat an eye to back there.

The fruits grown in the small town weren't the same as they before the bomb. They were deformed with small yellow spots in them often. With this a concern with many of the town people, Virgo and Capricorn trained a few people to make sure the fruits and vegetables were edible.

A bright red apple was on a stand and caught Sagittarius's eye. She wanted it, and she's gonna get it. She walked over there and asked how much the apple was. "About an dollar, miss" Sagittarius rises her eyebrow at the price, "An dollar for just one? Why so much?" The merchant smiled at her and turned the apple 360 degrees, "Well, as you can see. The apple is very special as in it doesn't have any yellow spots. So, it'll be a dollar."

Sagittarius bit her bottom lip, talking to herself. "Was it worth it? I mean, it's only a dollar. It could be too bad right?" Sagittarius finally had her discussion, "I'll take it" handing the merchant a dollar. He nodded, got the dollar and handed her the apple. "Nice doing business with you miss."

Sagittarius nodded, and walked away. Eating her new apple. But as she was eating it, she was disappointed. It tasted the same, she looked down and frowned. Yellow spots inside the apple. That doesn't mean it's bad, but she thought it was special. She just shrugged and continued to eat. She hates wasting food. Especially now, where tons of people can't afford to eat.

As she was walking around town she heard a voice, "Oi! Sagittarius!"

——————Blue Gang——————————

"Yes!" A huge yell of yes could be heard from the training room. Cancer groaned at the noise as she was studying new medication and couldn't concentrate due to the constant smacking noises and yells of 'Yes!'. Cancer glanced around the room and saw Scorpio just laying in the corner, read an book. "Scorp, could you be a deer and see who's the annoying kid yelling?" Scorpio only nodded his head, got up and started walking to the training room without looking away from the book.

"Odd..." cancer muttered under her breath, "must be an interesting book." Scorpio was walking to the training room and saw an familiar Grey haired man. "Libra, why do you yell yes every time you train?" Libra looked Scorpio straight in the eyes, "Cause it gives me confidence in my fighting." Scorpio chuckled and rolled his eyes "Okay,Okay, but keep it down. Cancer sent me over to shut you up." Libra nodded "Alright, I'll keep it down."

Libra glanced at the book in Scorpio's hand, "What's that book? Is it interesting!" Scorpio looked confused and looked at his hand, "Oh, yeah. It's pretty good I guess. It just about theories on what happened to us. I can't believe the person got it right.." Libra sighed and nodded, "Yeah, it's awful what happened.. I wish it didn't happen. We were so happy back then."

Scorpio looked a little sad at the book and nods as well, "Yeah, we were. There was so much memories we made together in high school. We could of gone to the same college if we really wanted." A tear streamed down Libra's cheek as he's remembering all the memories back in high school. "I know, it hurts knowing it'll never happen again. I wish it never happened really. No matter how much I hated school, I wish I had that life back."

Scorpio looked at Libra sympathetically, "I know what you mean, I don't even know where my parents are anymore. They could be dead for all I know. I just hope they're okay, or at least in heaven." Libra is now almost full on sobbing, covering his face. He was there with Scorpio, both lost. Not knowing where to go, not knowing where they're parents are. They just wandered around until they found the rest, also almost in full on tear, completely lost.

Cancer signed noticing how long Scorpio, she decided to check up on him. She got up and started walking towards the training room. To her surprise she saw Scorpio and Libra basically sobbing. "H-Hey, are you guys okay? What happened? Why are you guys sobbing?"

Scorpio looked at cancer with his wet, red eyes. "We we're talking about the past, and how much we missed it... It got emotional.." Cancer's eyes softened at the two boys and hugged them right away. "It'll be okay, I know it's awful now. But it'll get better. I promise." The boys hugged Cancer tightly, still sobbing, making her shirt wet.

Pisces, Aquarius and Gemini walked passed the room, and saw what was happening inside. Their expression softened, looked at each other, and decided to hug the group of sobbing kids.

The sobbing blue gang, remembering everything, is deep pain in their hearts. They all know what loneliness feels, they all know what it feels to lose family. They are family, they are strong.


Emotional chapter huh? Anyways! We have 200+ readers! Thank you so much! I'm such a new writer, and I'm glad people are reading my book.

Please do keep reading and enjoying my book.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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