Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

Start from the beginning

I sigh, it's gonna be a long day, "Well your sister set her on fire," I send a glare to Josie, "And could've burned her. Bad." We start walking towards the kitchen again, "Nonna happens to be a hair stylist and would've been mad if I didn't help her."

Josie stops, freezing in place, "Wait," she pauses, looking around, "Your Nonna's here." She panickly says.

"No, you're lucky she's not because she would've found out. She always finds out especially when it comes to Penelope." I look at Josie, "If Nonna finds out you're in trouble."

I watch MG as he approaches us. This should be interesting, "Morning! Big game today!" He cheerily greets.

Lizzie scowls at him, "Bounce, MG. If you hurry, you can catch up with the Blair Bitch and tongue-chum her again."

MG, still with a smile on his face turns to leave but I catch his arm, "Just so you know, I'm not mad at you."

"You're not!?" The three simultaneously say.

I nod, "Yeah, you didn't necessarily do anything wrong. Sure you were inconsiderate of a friends feelings but Penelope's single, you're single. You didn't hurt anyone," I give Josie a pointed look, "So I'm not mad." He smiles before walking away.

"What the hell was that?" Lizzie angrily asks.

"What? Both of you know I'm right," I look back to Josie, "And you're lucky I think of you like my sister because if you were anyone else I wouldn't think twice of doing something worse than just burning you're hair off."

Lizzie steps in between us, "Are you threatening her?"

"No, just a warning. And what are you people in middle school, stop calling her names or at least come up with better ones."

"Why are you defending her. You hate her." Josie said.

"When have those words ever come out of my mouth. Whatever, either change the subject or I'm leaving."

"Did she-who-shall-not-be-named just fat-shame me?" Lizzie says but I sigh again and start walking away.

Before I can actually leave Ric stops me, "Hey Dessi come here," I groan before walking back over to the twins, "Girls, listen--"

Josie cuts him off, not letting him get a word in, "Don't do it. Don't say whatever it is you're about to say, because you have "Dad-face," and wherever "Dad-face" goes, "daughter disappointment" always follows."

He frowns, "I'm sorry. I can't make the game today."

"But you're the coach..." Josie whines.

"And I'm QB this year." Lizzie adds.

"Um, sorry to interrupt but I have enough family drama as it so, later..." I trail off taking a step backwards to get away.

But again he stops me, "Wait, I hate it as much as you do, but I have to find Landon Kirby."

I smile, "Great while you do that, I'll be in my room finishing my Ted Bundy movie, not being at the game."

"She right, let's cancel! I mean, it's a joke anyways-- we can't use our powers, so we suck." Josie adds with a smile.

"Cheer team doesn't." I proudly state.

"Exactly." Ric looks back at me, "Wait, what?"

"I'm not going to be on a losing cheer team, besides I had Davina and Ana make bracelets that don't allow us to use our powers, which are mandatory for competitions. Even Caroline okay'd it." I explain.

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