Share bear needs Care

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Share snoozed quietly on the ground, lying on her belly. A spay can full of soap was in one hand, and a sponge in the other. She'd been cleaning up again, even though she hadn't eaten or slept herself. Dust covered multiple bits of her fur as well as other stains, and her face showed obvious deficiency.

"Whoah, Share? What are you doing out here?" A gravelly voice suddenly sounded from above her.

"..Huh...?" Share droned, barely getting enough energy to respond. She lifted her head wearily with an exhausted frown.

"Oh, I must- *yawn* -I must have dozed off while doing the.....the...." She rubbed her head, forgetting her words as she tried to think. She eventually gave up, and heaved herself to her feet while giving Grumpy a fatigued smile.

"Sorry Grumpy, I'll keep going," She said breathlessly, picking up her spray bottle and sponge.

"Keep going!? You were knocked out on the floor!" Grumpy exacerbated emphatically, gesturing at the ground.

Share was alarmed by his sudden outburst, but quickly went to comfort him.

"Oh, nono, I was only sleeping! It's fine," She said with a little shrug.

"Yea, fine that you were sleeping- NOT fine that now, you're awake." Grumpy argued. "You need to take a break, Share. Worrying about the paint job is MY job."

"I'm not worrying, I just..." Share rubbed her head, "I'm just not done yet, don't worry about me, Grumpy,"

"Oh no you don't. You're coming with me." Grumpy replied firmly, putting his paws on Share's shoulders and ushering her around the Cloudseeker to the entrance. He took her inside and to the kitchen, where Funshine was blowing raspberries with Dibble.

"Oh hey Grumpy, Share. Woah, Share, everything ok?" Funshine chuckled, suddenly noticing her unkempt state as Grumpy sat her down on the seat next to them.

"Of course! I-I think..." Share stared into space and scratched her ear as she tried to process what was happening in her worn-out mental state.

"Share needs a break." Grumpy established, going into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water.

"Aw, Share.." Funshine murmured with a slight grimace, before suddenly perking up. "Hey, i'll be right back!"

"Ok, then." Grumpy replied, as he came back and put the glass of water on the bench in front of Share. "Now, what do you feel like eating?"

Share didn't reply as she was already gulping down the water. She placed the cup back down and exhaled in relief.

"I didn't even realise how thirsty I was," She chuckled, before standing up. She wobbled a little, and put a paw on the table for balance.

"And, no need to get me any food, I'm alright now, really," She said with a grateful smile.

Grumpy swiftly sat her down with his paws on her shoulders again. "Ah, ah.! You're taking a longer break than that." He sternly instructed. "I'm frying you up some eggs. Dibble, do you mind grabbing the carton and pan out while i refill her water?"

Dibble trilled happily and swung over to the pantry to grab the eggs.

Share rubbed the back of her head and watched with a confused look.

Grumpy placed the refilled glass down in front of share, when suddenly Funshine and Good Luck edged through the hallway into the kitchen, both lugging one end of a hammock.

"Hey guys, I heard Share was in need of some relax," Good Luck greeted casually, awkwardly balancing the hammock with Funshine to rest near the bench.

Care bears: UTM short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now