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Hermione's pov

2 weeks had gone and Draco was just like normal, annoying, pushing me and calling me Mudblood. I was on the way back from the libary, heading to my common room looking at floor when I bumped into someone and dropped all my books on the floor

"Watch were your going Mudblood" Draco laughed

"Sorry" I mumbled

"Mione you don't need to apologise to him" Ron walked over to me picking up my books for me

"Aww need to be saved by your boyfriend, can't stand up for yourself"

"No, he just has manners unlike you"

"Yh ferret" Ron handed me the books

"Nobody asked you Weasel" Draco pushed Ron, Ron pushed him back and they were punching each other.

"Ugghg just stop it" I grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him off Ron

"What do you think your doing Mudblood don't touch me I'll have to throw these robes away now"

"We have got Head prefect duties to do, Bye Ron I'll see you at dinner" I kissed him lightly on the lips and began to walk away

"Is that what you call a kiss Mudblood" Draco and his gang of Slytherins laughed

"This is how you kiss" Draco pulled away from grip and pushed Pansy against the wall his hands either side of her head and kissed her passionately. How I wish I was Pansy right then. Wait what Hermione Jean Granger you do not think about him like that you have a boyfriend I love Ron.

"We'll finish this of later baby" Draco said, kissing Pansy and followed me to our common room.

"So McGonagall told us we have to organise a trip to Hogsmeade for years 3 and above" I told Draco sitting on the sofa of our common room

"So" Draco asked siting in the armchair

"So..we are head prefects we have to organise it"

"It will be in 2 weeks and everyone who is bad between then and now is not aloud to go" He got up off the sofa and walked towards the door

"Where are you going it's past curfew" I asked

"To finish off what I started with Pansy"

"Uggh you'll never change will you" I said smiling

" You'll be surprised" With that he walked out.

Since when did I become Granger not MudbloodWhere stories live. Discover now