Kabane Kingu

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The Beginning
*takes a deep breath sitting up looking around*

The boy: Well looks like I'm big dead...wait I can feel and...ugh smell things still...oof I need some light

(Just as he says light a slow sound of stone sliding and rocks crumbling behind him reveals an exit)

The boy: well I guess it's my only choice...

*He steps out into the light and his eyes ajust an he takes a look at his surroundings*

The boy: looks like there's a village over there hmm.. it looks like a good place to start asking questions seeing people would be there huh *looks around knowing nobody's there* eh I like talking to myself. But I'll be heading that way it's mid day gotta get somewhere to sleep tonight. If all else fails I don't wanna be on this mountain or in this forest when night comes

*He reaches the village and sees everyone closing their windows and locking themselves away in their homes or nearby buildings*

The boy: either these people don't like visitors or I look pretty scary...*looking in a puddle* oh is that what I look like here...damn I look pretty cool I did feel kinda tall but I thought it was normal growth from time passing not physical changes to my body. My arms and legs are way longer now that I think about it. I'm still the same thin as a skeleton looking guy my teeth are sharper as well. I need some actual clothing instead of this old bunch of rags. HEY anyone got some spare cloths...

(An old witch looking lady comes up to me and takes my hand)* normally I wouldn't accept an old lady taking me to a place I didn't know or anything like that but I can just not on her a bit if she tries anything shady*

The boy: this shack looks pretty witchy and stuff

The old lady: well I am a witch

(I have to slouch a bit to fit inside it was made for a small person, a house for one)

The boy: these are some nice looking cloths they fit surprisingly well your strange

The old lady: that's what everyone says in this village witches aren't supposed to be normal now are they boy

The boy: fair enough and you can call me Xolen

The old lady: then you can call me...

Xolen: I don't really wanna know a witches name right now because I don't know how the society views your kind. No offense but I just don't want to have any trouble with fire and rope.

*The old lady looks at me and tilts her head*

Xolen: well... peace I'm not here to make friends I gotta get some money and a place to sleep.

The old lady: my name is Asthea and you can work and stay here.

Xolen: that's an appealing offer but what would I be doing.

Asthea: just a bit of manual labor these old bones need a rest from carrying heavy materials.

Xolen: sounds easy enough you have a deal.

Asthea: good now could you carry these two iron bars over there please.

Xolen: sure.

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