Chapter 1

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Today is another day that I'm at the hospital. I cut too deep and I lost a lot of blood. I'm sitting here in a hospital bed with Mike beside me. Mike is the guy that helps me find families. I have done this to myself many times so I'm used to it. My ex- foster parents just filed a form to put me back into foster care. I have been with at least 4 different families over the years. I never really talked to any of my foster families that I've had. I look over to Mike and he has his head in his hands. I can hear light sobs coming from him too.

"Are you okay Mike?" I ask with concern clear in my voice. He looks up at me with red, puffy eyes and sighs. "I'm just worried for you Kelsey." I keep my eyes on him for a moment. "I'm fine. I've been through this before. I'm still living so I'm okay." I reassure him. He takes my hand by surprise and kisses it. It's not weird for me at all. Mike is like the father that I never had and I love him for that.

"I can only put you into 2 more families before you have to go to another foster care." He looks at me straight in the eyes and sighs. "I want you to be happy with a family and live a good life, but every time I put you in a family you do this to yourself." He points at my wrist while he said that. I look at my wrist and its covered in cloth to help stop the bleeding. I sigh and fiddle with my hospital bracelet on my right wrist. Sometimes I just think that maybe Mike could adopt me, I mean I'm only 16 so I won't be that hard to handle. But he says that the foster care wouldn't allow him adopting me.

Then and there, the doctor comes in the room. He flips through some papers on his clipboard and hands Mike a pen. He tells Mike to sign a paper that I don't know of. He then looks over to me and sighs. "Kelsey Banks..." He starts off. "You have lost a lot of blood but you will live. So therefor you will be able to leave in about a half an hour. " he smiles at me then at Mike. He then turns around and walks out of the room. I hear a slight cough from Mike beside me. "So does this mean I have to go back to the foster care and wait until some other people want me?" I ask a little bit annoyed. He chuckles "You are absolutely right."

Time goes by fast and the next thing I know I'm getting into Mikes car. We start to drive out of the hospital parking lot. "Do you wanna stop to get something to eat or no." He looks over at me while we're stopped at a red light. I shake my head "No, I'm not really that hungry right now." He shrugs and continues to drive. We have like 20 minutes before we get to the foster care so I decide to turn on the radio. When I do, The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco was on and I turn up the volume. "WOOAAAAHHH MONA LISA, YOU GRANTEE TO RUN THIS TOWN!" I sing very loudly and Mike finally joins me in the song. "WOOAAAAHHH MONA LISA, I CAME TO SEE-" Mike stops the radio while I'm in mid-sentence. He starts into a fit of laughter and I laugh too.

We are now pulling into the parking lot of the foster care. Mike parks the car and I'm out grabbing my bag from the back seat. We walk up the concrete stairs to the doors of the building. When I open the doors the smell of flowers hits me in the face and I enjoy it. I missed this smell. I tell Mike that I'm going to my room that I had the last time I was here. I head towards the elevator and hit the 2nd floor button. I wait to the sound of boring classic elevator music. The doors finally open and I go to the 5th door on the right. I open it and no one was in there. Every room has two orphans in it, so that means every one in my room has a family now.

I close the door behind me and look around the room. I smile to myself remembering all the good times in this room. I place my bag on the bed and open it to get my pajamas out. I pull out a black tank top and my favorite pj shorts which are black and blue zebra print. I strip out of my dirty cloths and put on the clean ones. I place my bag on the floor next to the bed and climb under the warm sheets of the bed. It's only about 11:30pm but I'm usually asleep by now. I start to think about the day. I go to when I saw how upset Mike was at the hospital. Why was he so sad this time? He's been there every other time and yes he cried at those times too, but this time was just...Different. My eyes are starting to get heavier and heavier. The next thing I know is I'm fast asleep dreaming about god knows what.


A/N: Hey everyone that may be reading this. Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring.


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