Amaterasu - The Sun and Sky

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In the land of Ancient Japan, where the Shinto gods and goddesses freely traversed the magical realms and the mortal planes of existence, a god or goddess' influence was depended upon the people's faith in them. Such is the case with the mighty and ever beautiful goddess known as Amaterasu, The Shining Light on the Land of the Rising Sun. Universally beloved by all of the mortals of Japan, she was worshiped alongside another: The Lord of the Heavenly Skies, Y/n. In combination with one another, Amaterasu and Y/n work in tandem to bring about a day of good fortune among people, but another, more important purpose for their roles is to keep the demons from Yomi at bay from killing citizens.

On one fateful day, as Y/n was watching the citizens going about their day and admiring their efforts in his mortal disguise, he suddenly saw the sky darken and turn black as the moon and the stars appeared, yet it wasn't time for Amaterasu to descend and Tsukiyomi to show himself. Curious as to Tsukiyomi's early arrival, Y/n returned to the heavens of the night sky above and enlighten himself to Tsukiyomi's presence.

Y/n: Tsukiyomi, what brings you here? Where is Amaterasu?

Tsukiyomi: That is what I came here for. Amaterasu has sealed herself in a cave in grief, refusing to come out. Maybe you might be able to convince her to come out Y/n, for our solutions have come short.

Down below on the land of Japan, Y/n and Tsukiyomi could hear the rage-filled growls of the demons that would soon plague the sacred lands of Japan and lay waste to the mortals that lived in the middle of gods and demons. Without wasting any more time, Y/n had followed Tsukiyomi to the cave that Amaterasu had sealed herself in while being informed on why Amaterasu had taken such a rash decision that would endanger the people that love and worship her. Tsukiyomi had informed Y/n that Amaterasu's brother, Susanoo, had destroyed her golden looms and burned her rice fields with storms beyond human comprehension.

This revelation had angered Y/n inside. "Susanoo was just as temperamental as the storms he governs." Y/n thought. Angered that Susanoo let his jealousy fuel his rage against his own sister, but even more angered at the fact that Susanoo had destroyed the very gifts that he had given to Amaterasu. Y/n had been trying to win the affections of Amaterasu, to unionize the Sun and Sky in holy matrimony, so that the people will always know that a bright, new day was always around the corner when the dawn had come. To Y/n, Amaterasu's smile, one that was kind, caring, and genuine, that was the sun that had brightened his day. Now, Y/n must raise Amaterasu's spirit, to see his beloved smile again and have the sun rise and grace her presence among the sky and all over Japan.

As Y/n and Tsukiyomi arrive to the cave, Y/n saw the other attempts that were made by the gods and sees the gods themselves converse among themselves for a new solution. Some of the attempts made by the gods were using roosters to trick Amaterasu into coming out, thinking it was a new day and a mirror, which even I, the narrator, don't know how it would work. (Seriously, I don't) Among some of the gods present to have Amaterasu come out was Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, goddess of partying and the dawn. Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto was the only one that knows about the attempts made by Y/n to woo Amaterasu, completely shipping the two at times, and when she had spotted him looking at the other attempts, she made her way over to him and made her presence known.

Uzume: Any plans Y/n? *leans in his ear* This might be your chance~

Y/n: Only one, but I don't know if you already tried it.

Uzume: Oh? And what is your solution?

Y/n: Talking to her.

Uzume: We thought that she might not be in a talking mood, so I devised a plan to get her out.

Y/n: And what is your solution?

Uzume: Party hard and show her the goods~

Y/n:...We'll try my solution first, then your solution.

Uzume: Of course! How else would I see you two--

Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto then made two hand puppet mouths with both of her hands and proceeded to make their "lips" touch each other, mimicking the action of kissing. However, Y/n had completely ignored that part and calmly walked up to the cave entrance and walked inside, holding his hand out in front of him because of the darkness that encompassed him and rendering him unable to see a couple of feet while also calling Amaterasu's name softly. As he was walking slowly, he felt the lower half of his right leg brush up against a human figure that was crouched and, after his eyes adjusted to the darkness, revealed the outline of his beloved sun, Amaterasu, who had eyes so bloodshot from crying, her eyes, golden as the sun she shines, were in a sea of blood.

Y/n felt heartbroken for not helping her earlier, too entranced by the day-to-day activities of the mortals he watches over. It pained him even so, to be able to clearly see the tears that trailed her face in the darkness, clearly outlined from how often tears fell from her eyes and rolled off her face that touched the stone-cold rock and gravel she sat on for who knows how long. Y/n bent down and sat on the gravel in front of Amaterasu and held her shoulders at an arm's length and gripped her shoulders lightly, as if she would shatter from the smallest pressures and he kept his voice at a whisper, as to not seem authoritative. He had seen mortals comfort one another and offer words of wisdom to one another, but Y/n had never had to do such a thing personally and to his own love, no less. It was time that he had to stop being an observer and act.

For the good of the people, for himself, and most importantly, for his love.

Amaterasu: Y/n? Wha-what are you doing here?

Y/n: The others had told me of your plight, Amaterasu. My apologies for sounding harsh, but you must come out and shine your light all over Japan. People are dying out there as we speak.

Amaterasu: Someone died in my competition with Susanoo. I could've done something to stop him, but I couldn't. Now what you gave me is destroyed and the person that worked on them died, all on my watch. If I can't protect someone close by, then how can I live with doing my job?

A good point had struck Y/n and interrupted his thought process. What Amaterasu said was right and had some merit. However, The Lord of the Heavenly Skies had a different way to get what he desires. Something that must be won through inspiration and hope, rather than force.

Y/n: Amaterasu, in my observations among the mortals, I have learned something that warms my heart. Maybe this might warm your heart too. In my years of observing mortal behavior, there are many tragedies that can befall humankind: death, disease, poverty, and many more. Yet, they keep going on like nothing has ever happened to them, with a smile plastered onto their face. Do you know why that is?

Amaterasu: *sniffs* Why?

Y/n: Like the sun, they push through adversity and all obstacles in their way and rise high into the sky. You're a beacon of hope to these people Amaterasu! And... I love you.

Amaterasu's eyes had widened. Y/n had loved her? "For how long?" She thought to herself. "How long have I been blinded to his affections?" To her, it made sense as she pieced the puzzle together in her head. Y/n had given her those looms and rice fields to see his favorite quality about her, her smile. Her favorite quality about Y/n was his constant pursuit of knowledge on the mortals, his curiosity peaked whenever it came to humankind. Before Susanoo had destroyed her looms and inadvertently killed a worker, she had the looms put to work on a kimono for Y/n. A kimono as blue as the sky during the day when he and Amaterasu looked over mankind and with smaller accents of black, dark as the night sky for when he and Tsukiyomi look after human kind. Her heart and soul were poured into this gift, also destroyed in fires that destroyed her looms, but she was able to recover it. However, the kimono was in a condition that wasn't able to be worn.

Amaterasu: I...I love you too, Y/n. I was making a gift for you with your looms know...

Y/n: Will you make that gift for me again? I want to see what you were going to make me.

Amaterasu: Okay...

Amaterasu and Y/n then stood up and held each other's hands and looking at each other with love laced in their looks as they took their steps together, not missing a single beat and remaining in sync with one another until they stood outside the cave, Y/n hearing gods barricading the entrance to the cave in case Amaterasu would try that again, but it was completely unnecessary. As long as Amaterasu had Y/n, the sky to her sun, she would be in good hands and eternally happy. As long as Y/n had Amaterasu, the sun to his sky, he would feel hopeful and eternally happy.

The Sun and Sky, a metaphor used by couples to ensure an everlasting bond between lovers. A goal that most can only dream of happening to them, however problems arise in relationships that can strain the two lovers. Yet, as the Sun rises high above the mountains and into the arms of the Sky, despite adversities from the previous days, couples must face their problems together and seek comfort in one another and achieve a stronger relationship, hope for the future, and eternal happiness in one another.

And this, my dear readers, is the story of the love between Y/n and Amaterasu, a love between The Shining Light of the Sun and Vast Beauty of the Open Skies.

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