Part 4

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Things to know:
S/N - your ship name with Ein

It was a sunny morning and I was quite happy untill I saw people whispering and staring at me. I chose to ignore it it's probably nothing. I walked in to the school and saw Katelyn, I decided to ask her what was going on.

"Katelyn, what's going on? What are people whispering about?" I asked her.
"Oh uh, it's nothing to worry about, KC has been promoting her new ship." Katelyn replied.
"Which is?" I was curious now.
"Hm? Oh, she ships you with Ein."
" You heard me."
"Where is Kawaii~Chan? I need to talk to her" I said with a frown.
"I think she is on the bleachers." She replied.
"Thanks Katelyn." I said. I stalked off to the bleachers where I saw Kawaii~Chan.
"Kawaii~Chan!" I shouted.
"Y-Y/N~sama!" She was afraid and she could see that I was angry.
"Kawaii~Chan how could you ship me with my best friend then broadcast it to the whole school!" I shouted at her.
"K-k-kawaii~chan is s-sorry..." She said.
"Y/n Stop!" Shouted a familiar voice from behind us. I turned to see Aphmau. My face went pale.
"S-sorry a-alpha!" I stuttered.

I ran off with her shouting my name, she sounded more gentle and guilty now but I kept on running.

I sat down at a cherry tree and cried into my knees. I heard someone approach and sit next to me but I ignored them. That was untill he put his hand under my chin and gently turned my face to look at him.
"EIN!" I squeaked going red.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"I-i-im fine! I just screamed at Kawaii~Chan and alpha shouted at me but I'm fine please let go of me!" I said the last part really fast and he let go, going a bit red. I heard a click of a camera, we both looked up to see a flash of bright purple hair and a black meif'wa tail disappear around a corner
"Follow her! I shouted. Me and Ein both chased the meif'wa. I caught up with her and jumped onto her. She made an "oof" sound as she hit the ground.
"What's your name?" I growled.
"M-michi!" She said quietly.
"And why in Irene's nave were you taking pictures of us??" I questioned.
"I thought you two were cute ok??!" She said.
I got off of her. And told her to go. She daintily brushed the non existent dust off of her uniform and sashayed off.
"What just happened?" Said Ein from behind me.
"Um, I found out that Kawaii~Chan was shipping us together." I said.
"What happened with Alpha?" He said .
"Well I got mad and started shouting at Kawaii~Chan then alpha came and shouted at me." I replied "come on, we need to get to class.

Time skip brought to you by KC's cat ears!

I walked into the lunch hall and saw Kawaii~Chan sitting with Aphmau and Katelyn. I walked up to them.
"HeyGuysI'mSoSorryAboutWhstHappenedEarlierWillYouEverForgiveMe?" I said really fast.
"Kawaii~Chan is sorry too, it's her fault that happened in the first place." Said Kawaii~Chsn sadly.
"It's not your fault Kawaii~Chan! I overreacted, that's all" I said.
"I forgive you too, I'm sorry I shouted, I know you are still nervous around me." Said Aphmau.
They both stood up and hugged me.

They both sat down and I went to walk away when I overheard something that kawaii~Chan said to Aphmau.
"Aphmau~Senpai, look at this, isn't it cutteee??!" Aphmau squeaked and I walked back over to them to see what was going on.

"What is it?" I asked them.
"Oh uhhh, Kawaii~Chan scored an A on her test! Yeah! That's it..." Said Aphmau.
"Then why did Kawaii~Chan call it cute?"
"B-because it was an art exam and her drawing is cute!" Stuttered Aphmau.
"Cool can I see?" I asked.
"No." Said Kawaii~Chan.
"Why not?"
"Because... Uhhh..." While she tried to think of something to say I snatched the paper out of there hand. I looked at it and saw that it was one of the photos that Michi had taken of me and Ein by the tree that morning.
"MICHI!" I shouted at no one in particular because I knew she had a different lunch to us. I put the picture of us on the table in front of Kawaii~Chan.
"I know I'm going to regret this but here. Just don't let it get out, please?" I asked.
"Ok Y/N~Sama!" Said Kawaii~Chan sho took the photo and placed it carefully in her bag as if it was a piece of priceless art.

I ran off and sat next to Ein where we ate our lunch. I saw Kawaii~Chan taking pictures of us out of the corner of my eye but I just ignored it.

After school Ein walked me home.
"Ein, why are you walking me home, isn't your house the other way?" I asked him.
"Yes it is but I had to protect you from the shipping demons." He said.
I snorted pushed him away a little then ran up to my door.
You don't need to protect me, see ya tomorrow?" I said as I went inside. He waved as I shut the door. I ran upstairs to finish my homework. I couldn't stop thinking about Ein.
    Maybe S/N is an alright ship after all.

Hey y'all!
Just wanted to ask y'all if you would like me to do a MCD x reader book? (it could be any character) I'm open to requests

You can also suggest ideas for a Mystreet/PDH book if you want!

Also you can comment Ideas for this if ya want!

I hope anyone who reads this has a lovely day!

This was exactly 1001 words

Lizzie Chan out!

I Will Never Give Up On You (Ein x reader)Where stories live. Discover now