His First Day

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Y/n left his apartment and began his walk to his new school. He was bullied and shamed in his old school for his small size and for also not being so bright. He is 18 but is only 5'5 and his younger sister is taller than him.

Y/n walked about half a mile until he arrived in front of Maria High. 'Taking the bus next time' Y/n thought to himself as he walked through the school gates. There were kids scrambling and pushing each other to their classrooms and there were others who looked like they had all the time in the world. Y/n looked down at his watch, "8:15 already!?" he thought out loud to himself. He sped through the halls to his first period which was history with Mr. Ackerman.

Y/n quickly rushed and opened the classroom door gathering all the kids' attention, including Mr. Ackerman's. Mr. Ackerman, or Levi for short, looked down at his watch and gave Y/n a warning, "You have 30 seconds until your late kid." Y/n swiftly took his seat, afraid of the wrath of Mr. Ackerman.

Levi stared down at Y/n and looked up to the rest of the class, "We have a new student today class. Come and introduce yourself brat," the way he said didn't seem like Y/n had an option.
He quickly speed walked to the front of the class and waved awkwardly, "Hi everyone, I'm Y/n L/n, and I come from Sina High." He waited for a boo, or a rude comment or something, but nothing happened. Everyone just looked bored and seemed like they really didn't care.

But one student caught Y/n's eye. They were blond that stretched down to their shoulders. They had on a gray loose sweater with blue jeans and a white collar. Their eyes were shining a brighter blue than Y/n has ever seen before. The stranger smiled at Y/n and butterflies formed in his stomach. 'Is this what, love feels like?' Y/n wondered as he slowly went back to his seat.

The whole period Y/n didn't pay attention to a thing Levi said because he was too distracted by the blond who sat in front of him. His hair looked so soft and his skin looked so delicate. Y/n kept on day-dreaming about the blond; what was he like, what is his personality, is he shy, what does he do for fu-

Y/n's train of thought was soon caught by Levi's loud voice, " Are you day dreaming in MY class? Bad mistake brat. How about you answer number 9 for the class Mr. L/n?"

Y/n's heart stopped. Everyone was looking at him and some kids snickered. Y/n began to panic as he fumbled with the pages to find the answer. All of a sudden the blondie raises his hand and spoke loud enough for Levi to hear, "You have a stain on your shirt, sir." Levi's eyes widened as he quickly ran to the corner of the room and took a napkin out of his pocket to clean his shirt. Y/n was confused. If anything his shirt was the cleanest thing he had every seen in his life.

Swiftly, the blond turned around and whispered something to Y/n, "It's 32," and turned back around before Levi could see him.

As soon as he turned around, Levi came back from the corner and gave the blondie a proud look,
"Thank you Armin for telling me. Now," he stared down at Y/n, " What was number nine again?" Y/n swallowed and rose his voice so the whole class could hear, "Uhm... thir-thirty two sir?" The way he asked sounded more like a question.

Levi raises an eyebrow suspiciously but brushed it off, "Okay but don't doze off again or it'll be 10 times worse." Y/n wasn't really planning on it anyways.

The class went by fast but Y/n still had one question, who was this Armin kid?

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