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ok so I'm giving y/n a name bc everyone is complaining woo
so her new name is Ashley woo

"Ashley?" a voice called.

"ASHLEY!" the voice boomed.

Your eyes fluttered open, getting used to the bright sunlight from the window.

Alex had leaned in closer to your face.

"Buenos días!" he exclaimed, blush forming on his cheeks.

You noticed your surroundings.

im inside my house.. when did I get here..?

"Alex? When did I get here?"

Alex smiled, and began to laugh, it seemed endlessly.

"Well," he said, laughing and gasping through his words, "you kinda just got here.. and it's like.. 5AM!"

You looked at him with an 'are you serious" type look.

He tried to hold back his giggles, still.

"Alex! What are you going on about?" you asked, a bit suspiciously.

His giggling gradually stopped.

"Ah, nothing.." he said playfully.

A few minutes later, Alex and you were sitting on your bed, just playing some video games on your PS4.

When it was your turn to play some assassin's creed, he was just messing around on his phone.



"Ashley I literally just got a girl!"

You threw the controller on the bed before crying out in laughter. In the game, the wolf had killed you.

"You got a girl? What's her name? Where's she from? What's her sexuality? What-"

"Woah, calm down there buster. Her name is Sam. From Britain. She's bisexual." He said, oddly remembering all of your questions.

"Uh, aren't I already your girl?" You said jokingly, laying your head on his shoulder.

He laughed for a moment, "I'm serious, Ashley. I mean, she's totally into me!" He showed you the messages on his phone.

sammiee: ello
quackity: yo sam, are you like.. into any guys or girls ?
sammiee: perhaps im talking to one rn
quackity: 👀
You stared at the window in wonder.

So, does this mean he was never into me..? This might be the harsh, but true, truth...

You laughed a bit.

"Haha, epic!" You said, a hint of sadness in your voice.

He really didn't care, as he was so invested in this "Sam", so you just continued to play the game.

"Spartans, rise up!" the tv boomed.

But then you realized, Kasey?

Kasey might not have been your friend but you were still wondering..

"Hey Alex. What about.. Kasey?" you asked.

Alex smirked.

"I thought you hated Kasey. Well if you really wanted to know, she had just cheated on me with this guy named Tristan or something."

You were confused.

"You're not.. upset or anything because of it?"

Alex laughed a bit.

"Of course not! To be honest, I saw it coming. And Tristan is a... not very interesting guy."

You just smiled and turned off the console.

"You wanna go do something?" you asked, slinging your arms around his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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